Has any one had a pea size hole at bottom of incision?

Two days home from hosp. My incision started to drain, I coughed and i think i popped a staple. Lot of drainage is coming from this hole is it normal? I'm a little scarred.    — Kathy P. (posted on November 13, 2003)

November 13, 2003
Kathy, The same thing happened to me. I rolled over the 2nd or 3rd night I was home, and felt a little rip. I looked and gunk was pouring out. I called the surgeon and had him paged at midnight, only to be told it's perfectly normal. If it gets red and infected, I would worry. If not, that part of my scar is just a little bigger and bumpier than most.
   — Angie M.

November 13, 2003
Sounds like maybe a little seroma letting off some steam. Make sure to keep track of your temperature, pulse, and B/P - if any are not normal readings, or if your pain seems out of control or not proportional to the experience, then phone your doc ASAP. Make sure to keep an eye open for signs of infection, too. Blessings, dina
   — Dina McBride

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