Maybe a silly question about drainage, but...

I am now 7 days post-op, and only empty about 1/2 oz. fluid from tube daily. It will be removed on Friday. So, my question is this...what will happen to these tiny amounts of fluid when removed? Will my body just re-absorb them, or discharge them in another manner? Thanks!    — Phillip C. (posted on December 28, 2003)

December 28, 2003
From what I understand it will just be absorbed. I had my drain removed when I left the hospital, which was on a Saturday, and I had had surgery on Thursday. For the first few days I had some drainage from where the tube came out, I just kept some gauze and waterproof bandage over it. By about the 3 or 4th day it was dry. You probably won't have that much come out of the incision since you hardly have any coming out anyway.
   — Patricia T.

December 28, 2003
I haven't got an answer for you (tho the previous one sounds right to me), but I wanted to assure you that there are NO silly questions! Congrats on 7 days!
   — [Deactivated Member]

December 28, 2003
Hi. My surgeon has done over 300 of these surgeries and never uses drain tubes. He says they are not necessary. No one in my support group has had problems because of it.
   — AmyWollet

December 28, 2003
I only had my drain in for 3 days, your body will re-absorb any extra fluid that is in there. Don't worry especially if it isn't draining much at all! It will be fine, I asked my doc the same thing before he removed it!
   — Saxbyd

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