How many grams of sugar in a serving size?

My friend and I have been having an arguement. How many grams of sugar should we be looking for in a serving size? I say 10-13gm and he says no more then 2gm. I had my surgery 29 days ago and have lost 20 pounds and he had his 33 days ago and has lost 45 pounds. Thanks a lot for the help.    — Lisa S. (posted on January 6, 2004)

January 6, 2004
I try to stay under 10 grams per serving. Barb 4/07/03 235/140/130
   — Barbara C.

January 6, 2004
Pick a single digit and claim it as your own. My official limit was 6g per MEAL. 2g seems a lil tight for real life. I think AIR has more sugar than that! Seriously, that would leave out PB, cottage cheese and other foods that are "safe" for us. But being a "natural" sugar doesn't erase the fact that it IS sugar.
   — vitalady

January 6, 2004
my RD's guidlines said no more than 12g
   — Lisa D.

January 6, 2004
I think most of us have low sugar tolerance. Mine is about 6 grams. Anything over that and it is dump city for me. I am 18 months post-op and it is still that way. Don't get me wrong, I like it that way, it tends to keep me in line even when I don't want to be.Haha..Best of luck to you both!!
   — Sharon1964

January 6, 2004
I dump on much more than 5 per serving, so that's where I keep it.
   — kultgirl

January 6, 2004
Though I have no desire for sugar, I recall my doctor saying if I do 3-6 grams might be suitable (though each person is different) - as far as weight lose, it seems "he" lost more than you- but MEN seem to lose weight faster than us cushy soft females - LOL
   — Anna M.

January 7, 2004
My nutritionist's guidelines are no more than 2 grams, but if it has more, it's okay as long as a sugar source (sugar, high fructose corn syrup, honey, etc.) is at least 5 ingredients out on the ingredient list. Some things will be higher in sugar naturally - tomato products, fruit, etc. I'm supposed to avoid things like canned corn that has added sugar, even though it's only 5 or 6 grams. Hope this helps.
   — Dragonfly2B2

January 7, 2004
When I was at your stage of the game, I wouldn't touch sugar for my life. Now, I can eat as much as I want...well, not really but it seems like it. About three or four months out I started testing my sugar tollerance and could do about 13g before I would dump. You can build up your tollerance and I would strongly advise not doing so. Do not get in the habbit of comparing your loss with your will only set one of you up for dissapointment. Especially since he is male...he will lose faster.
   — RebeccaP

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