Does anyone know what size the stoma should be?

I feel like my stomach is emptying too soon. I have an appointment for an EGD in 2 days and am wondering if this could be my problem. Thanks for any information.    — Paulette W. (posted on January 21, 2004)

January 21, 2004
There's a range of sizes, depending on surgeon preference. My surgeon goes for the midrange of about 12mm, the size of a man's index finger circumference. Some docs do 8-10mm and some do up to 15mm. I have always felt that I have an enlarged stoma but my surgeon doesn't really take me seriously as I have lost weight so quickly. Unfortunately, it has been through exercise and calorie counting, not just eating little portions because I get full. Anyway, good luck to you!
   — Rachael B.

January 21, 2004
my doc said it is the size of a dime. I am 9 days postop today and because the surgery is so new and there is so much swelling around the stoma, he said it is the size of a pencil eraser. MJ
   — Mary Jane C.

January 21, 2004
I just had my blocked stoma enlarged. My surgeon gave directions to have it enlarged to, at most, 11 mm. Hope that helps! ~~Kimberly~~
   — MissKimberly

January 21, 2004
There is a site somewhere that gives the 'range' BUT just because your stoma is 'in the range' doesnt mean its 'working' for you. My stoma was measured at 9 - 12 ; this is within 'range' BUT for my body is useless and provided NO function. The Upper GI test was 'better' for me; it showed no pouch function at all; that food was falling directly from the eshogus into the intestines. My stoma problem was 'fixed' by having a lap band put on. Its still possible to loose weight with this condition - but unlike your 'peers' you will NOT be able to use being full as a measurement. good luck.
   — star .

January 22, 2004
My Dr told me mine was the size of a dime.
   — Zankri

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