I have found the bet thing for making thin hair THICK

Thinning hair, is a given for most post op wls'ers, mine was VERY thin and damaged even before surgery, and I had recently gotten a new spikey hair cut, and she used a "GLUE", I was using mooses, and gels and they made a little change but I could still see bald:0( many people commented on my baldness (excessive thinning) The one she was selling was about $15.00 a small jar, I found "GOT 2b GLUED" it is in the hair care isle at walmart, in a yellowish tube and was only about $6.00 I cant believe the differance after blowdrying, how thick it feels, and I personally dont see the bald spot nor do others taller than me:0) I just thought I would share.    — wizz46 (posted on February 6, 2004)

February 6, 2004
I saw that in Eckerd's yesterday and wondered what it was. But I found something that works for me too. Someone on this web site recommended Toppik and I ordered some. You just sprinkle in on and it binds to the hairs to fill in the spots. It worked well enough that I bought another round of it since I'm still losing some hair. Mine was thin and fine to begin with too but this really does help. I think I'll try the GOT 2b GLUED too. Ha ha, maybe with both I'll look like I have thick hair for once in my life.
   —  SCbabe B.

February 6, 2004
I use L'Oreal's mega gel and it really thickens up my hair. It's an alchol based gel so it can dry your hair out, (but my hair tends to be oily so drying it out doesn't bother my hair) non-alchol based gels I have tried, leave my hair limp, flat and icky feeling. The Mega Gel makes me look like I have twice the hair!
   — Patricia T.

February 6, 2004
linda, where do you order that stuff from. Is it a scalp dye or something. do you have to order it by color of your hair? Help, I am going bald. Thanks
   — Delores S.

February 7, 2004
Delores, I order from It does come in colors. I style my hair as usual, then sprinkle the Toppik in the spots that look bare to me. I have a small size container of the medium brown I'd be glad for you to have if that would work for you. It's way too dark for me. Just e-mail me if you want it (good way for you to try it to see if it works for you) and send your address and I'll send it to you. I also bought a small bottle of the fixative spray which helps the fibers bind to the hair. Hope it works for you. I'm going to try the Got 2B Glued too.
   —  SCbabe B.

February 8, 2004
I losing hair also,however its just started about 2 mts ago. My doctor told me to start taking zinc & A vitamins. I'm still losing hair just not as much. So the vitamins must be kicking in finally. God Bless, Connie Lee 310/215 6mts post op
   — CONNIE L.

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