Has anyone that needed to lose at least 140 pounds only lost weight for 3 1/2 months

I lost just like everyone else for the first 3 1/2 months 64 pounds and then it just stopped like someone flipped a switch. I felt fine went to my endo. couldn't find anything, surgeon said plateau so I continued pressing in. It has now been 2 yrs. 3 1/2 months I have never lost anymore and have now gained back 28 pounds. HELP! Revision needed???????    — jackie G. (posted on March 30, 2004)

March 29, 2004
If you have not been scoped since then I would go back. If everything checks out you still might be a candidate for revision. You might consider going with the DS - more intestinal bypass. But you need to find a surgeon very experienced with revisions - even if you decide to stay with the RNY. Good Luck. <p> Also, you might want to try this Yahoo group: <br>
   — Ali M

March 29, 2004
Are you transected? That would be the first thing to check for...possible staple line disruption. As the previous poster said, if your surgeon is not receptive and tries to blame you, go to a surgeon who knows what they're doing! There's also the possibility of a stretched stoma. To me, it sure sounds like a mechanical problem. Good luck.
   — Leslie F.

March 29, 2004
I just remember my doc telling me that the people with "insulin resistance" (usually have that if you have PCOD)will lose some then stop. He said they give them Glucophage to restart the weight loss. You might want to be tested to see if you are insulin resistant. My daughter has it, that is why we were talking about it.
   — ZZ S.

March 31, 2004
Jackie, I went to your profile but all the info there is pre-op and nothing post-op. I would have liked to have seen what your diet/exercise was like from 3 1/2 months forward. It certainly does sound like either a SLD or mechanical reason behind the stoppage in weight loss, but we would need for more before being more helpful....
   — Cindy R.

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