I have to have incisional hernia repair with mesh on thursday

They are going to reopen my incision from my gastric bypass surgery. I had gastric bypass surgery done Dec 04 2004. I have to incisional hernias. One above my belly button and one at the top of my incision. It is outpatient. How bad is the pain with them reopening the same incision? I have been in bed since sunday night with burning pain.. I am kinda scared knowing they are going to reopen that incision on thursday to repair the hernia with mesh. If you had this done please let me know how you got through it and if yours was patient and outpatient. thanks    — Missy S. (posted on March 30, 2004)

March 30, 2004
I also had an incisional hernia w/mesh. It was on an outpatient basis and not really bad. I did however have a reaction to the mesh, so 8 weeks later they had to go back in take out the mesh and luckily, my insurance paid for a tummy tuck the second go around. The pain the second time around with the tummy tuck was a lot worse (more so than my rny) and was in the hospital for two days. Hope this helps. Good luck!
   — Bea T.

March 30, 2004
I had a hernia repair and gallbladder surgery at the same time. The doctor went in at my open rny incision. I did not have mesh because of bacteria from the gallbladder. My surgery was at 10 am and I was out of the hospital at 3 pm the same day. I had 24 staples and no problems at all. I wish you well!
   — Jazzy

March 30, 2004
Take a deep breath; it will get better for you. About 30% of open rny's end up with incisional hernias due to the large area of stomach muscles cut. My repair with mesh was the 12th of February. I was in surgery about two hours to repair the football sized hernia. In the hospital for two and a half days--the pain is icky, but doable--my IV pain drip didn't work, and I didn't know it until right before I was to go home. The first two weeks were a bit rough. After that it's been similar to the open rny recovery. My surgeon is extra cautious about not lifting, straining, or pulling for the first four months. I was home recuperating for four weeks. I'm doing quite a bit of walking, but I feel wimpy with upper body strength right now. Talk to your surgeon about the pain and discomfort you're having now, and she/he may be able to give you something to help you to be more comfortable until the surgery. Best wishes.
   — Mary Ann B.

March 30, 2004
I had a hernia in my belly button that developed a fistula and leaked outside of my body 3 1/2 weeks after my RNY on 1/17/04. No mesh due to contamination. It was not at my incision at all. The surgeon used the same incision site as my RNY including using the exact same places for the staples. There really was no incisional pain. There were 25 staples. Actually I would tell them my pain was a 3 out of 10, but only because I wanted the lortab elixir which helped my upset stomach a lot. Try not to worry and good luck. Since they didn't use mesh he says it will probably come back. Hopefully not until I am ready for a panni removal though. I have had enough surgery for now. :-)
   — catleth

March 31, 2004
Hi! I just had mine repaired on the 19th of this month. I was okay and I was able to return to work that following tuesday, but I do have a desk job. My doctor was able to repair me without the mesh. He said that he would make that call when he got in there, so I think I lucked out. Opening up the same place was not bad...the only bummer was actually being "open" again. I kind of liked having my tummy closed you know. LOL You will do great with the surgery and after you get done with the itching (where I am now.....geeeez...I forgot about that part) you will be glad that your alien has been removed. : ) Oh, don't be silly like me....if the doc offers good drugs take them. I turned down everything except tylenol with codiene, because I hate the loopy feeling I get from the others. I think it would have been nice to have something stronger to help me sleep. : ) Best wishes! Dawn (nov. 26, 2002 open) (277lb then/150lb now)
   — Dawn B.

March 31, 2004
Hi Missy, I can tell you not to worry but I know you'll worry anyhow...:o) I've had several operations that had to be reopened due to complications and for me the pain or healing wasn't bad at all. It is best to have this repaired and you'll be fine afterwards. I'll send a guardian Angel to sit on your shoulder.... You're in my prayers... Deborah
   — Deborah

March 31, 2004
Hi Missy, I just had that done on 2/16 . . . they had to reopen my whole incesion. Your stomach muscle will be very sore . . . my Doc. gave me a great tip and it really helped. Ask for som Vioxx (for muscle soreness etc.) and take it every day for at least a week. I can't tell you how much it helped. The first two days are the worst . . . and then it gets better each day . . . good luck! Michele :) RNY 6/3/03 -108
   — Michele D.

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