Problems with nausea

My TT was 3/17/04. Ever since then, certain foods make me violently ill. I haven't pinpointed yet WHAT foods. I never had problems after the Lap RNY. In the last month I became violently ill twice, to the point where i was dry heaving for hours. Once it was after eating half a hot dog. Chalked it up to the hot dog was just too chunky, but then the second time it was after eating 1/3 of a chicken stir fry pita. The pain starts in my back, lower back on both sides. Then I get severely nauseous but when I run to the bathroom to vomit I just have stomach spasms that HURT! I am only throwing up tiny little bits of mucous, if anything at all. The first time I got sick, I threw up from 5:30 pm until 1;30 in the morning. The second time I threw up from 1 in the afternoon until 7:00 the next morning! I was just miserable. Nobody seems to know what causes it. Please help if you can! I lose too much weight when this happens and it is debilitating!    — RedHeadBeauty (posted on May 31, 2004)

May 31, 2004
might not be the hot dog or what was in the pita, but maybe the bun and the pita itself that did the trick. if i eat bread,crackers, flour wraps ect...i feel sooooo bad for about and hour. it just doesn't seem to sit well in my stomach. i hope you feel better soon.
   — franbvan

May 31, 2004
Hi Melissa. Sorry I don't have any words of wisdom for you, but I know how you feel. I was violently throwing up and nauseous with my second pregnancy (post WLS) and I had to be medicated for almost the entire pregnancy. Obviously, you are in a different situation, but I can certainly sympothize how horrible it can be. I would definately ask your doc of course. Could it be a certain med that you are taking? Does it happen really badly, but infrequently? Perhaps it's not the food types. In any case, just wanted to send well wishes your way and hope that you feel better soon! :)
   — emilyfink

June 2, 2004
I'm so sorry you've been so ill. The first thing that came to my mind was gallbladder. Do you still have yours? If so, you may want to contact your surgeon and have him schedule you for a GB ultrasound exam. Also, eating any kind of bread or wrap (tortilla or pita) or crackers just makes me feel extremely uncomfortable. I believe it just sits in my pouch and doesn't move for a long time. Also, I had episodes of vomiting and would bring up only foamy water with bits of food (the food wasn't seen very often, usually just foamy fluid) and my doctor did an EGD and discovered my stoma had some scar tissue around it making it difficult for food to exit my pouch. He used a balloon to stretch it out a little and I've done pretty well so far. From what I've read here and on my physician's site, this last thing is pretty common as is having gallbladder attacks after surgery. Hope this helps. Feel free to e-mail me...Kathy
   — Katherine F.

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