I need to lose 10 pounds in the next 7 days

My surgeon has a rule that you cannot gain more than 5 pounds between the consult and your preop appt. I have gained 12. I have to lose about 10 pounds by 1/3. Anyone have any suggestions on how I can do it? I have started today by eliminating carbs, but I am not sure if this is going to be effective. HELP?!?!?!    — Jana A. (posted on December 27, 2004)

December 27, 2004
I don't know the answer to your questions but I'm in the same boat. My surgery date is 2/8/05 and after Xmas I'm afraid to get on the scale. I'm waiting for people to answer you, I need Help also..... God Bless
   — Shirley W.

December 27, 2004
It's simple. No sugar or starch for 10 days. 3 meals a day with nothing in between. 4 oz of protein at aeach meal. 1 fruit for breakfast only. 2 cups of vegetables for lunch. 3 cups for dinner. If it is in salad form, no more than 2 tablespoons of dressing with sugar listed at least 5th on the label. this includes sucrose, fructose, corn syrup, etc. No Fried foods. Do that for 10 days and it will be lost.
   — Scott D.

December 27, 2004
The body's response to a person reducing the amount of calories that it is fed will be to hoard all the calories that it is fed and you will not loose any weight. In effect it thinks that it is being starved and it will store all the calories as fat so it can survive the lean times in the future. I suggest that you go on Atkins induction. From everything that I have read and heard a person looses real fast on it. It is basically the same diet that a PO WLS person is on-a lot of protein. Up your water intake with it also. Keep us posted.
   — ChristineB

December 27, 2004
I would exclude a SLD first - and run some hardcore labs. (constant thrist.... retaining water... PCOS...... sounds like diabetes to me). <br>Ruling out any mechanical issues or diabetes: Her sample diary does not get her to 60 grams of protein/day. Not even close. I'd cut that fruit out completely and substitute some protein shakes. I know my dietician would not endorse that diary as a strong post-op diet. More lean meats, green veggies; less sugar.<br> Good luck to your friend, shelli
   — kultgirl

December 28, 2004
No sugar, PLENTY of water, living food-mostly veggies, and protein. I notice that when I drink more water, it's a little easier for me to drop 3-5 pounds. Good luck!
   — Misslady

December 28, 2004
Don't starve yourself. LOTS of WATER. Protein and veggies. Stay away from dairy except for yogurt. Eat the light low fat variety with berries. Exercise if you can. This will keep your metabolism from slowing down to conserve energy. Depending on your current weight you should be able to take the new weight off.
   — Beatrice C.

December 29, 2004
My doctor has the same rule and I gained 10 pounds from 8/19-10/29. I was going through the last supper stage. I went for pre-op testing yesterday and was so nervous about have gaining weight. I got on the scale and lost a total of 15 pounds. I ate a protein bar for breakfast, lunch was a salad with fat free dressing not poured on the salad but my fork was dipped into the dressing I always added grilled chicken or tuna for protein. I made it law that during work I had to drink at least 2-3 25 oz bottles of water. For dinner another protein bar. If I got hungry I would eat a low fat snack. I am presrcribed a water pill so I went to the bathroom a whole lot. The weekend before my Tuesday pre-op testing I drunk a bottle of magnesium citrate (laxitive) to clean me out. I was down 15 pounds bu that was in 11/2 months you have only a few days. I was told that the magnesium citrate can easily take 3-5 pounds off.
   — JerseyGirl

December 29, 2004
My doctor put me on a diet of protein-a total of 6 oz a day,2-3 servings (1/4 cup) of cooked vegetables, and 2-3 servings of apples, citrus fruit, or canned fruit packed in natural juice or water (1/4 cup= serving).Do not have any fried foods and if you must use fat free mayo and non stick cooking spray is okay to use. Also walk as much as you can or some form of exercise and drink water at least 64 to 90 ounces a day. I lost 11 pounds in 1 week. I just ate the protein and fruits and vegetables and drank so much water I thought i would float away. Not to mention the exercise. Good Luck to you. The reason he puts his patients on this diet is to make the swelling in your liver go down so there will be enough room to do the surgery. Hope this does the trick.
   — Lisa E.

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