Roseanne had the Fobi Pouch but she eats all the time on her show.

She eats candy, pizza,lots of stuff. She takes big bites and chews with mouth open so she can't be chewing things up very much. I thought the Fobi Pouch she had was like the RNY that you're not suppose to be able to do this.    — [Anonymous] (posted on August 25, 1999)

August 25, 1999
You are correct, you are not supposed to do this. She is a bad example of post op eating habits. Many fobi pouch patients, at least myself, cannot eat anything like she does. Not to mention it is very very painful when you swallow somthing half chewed. Do not follow in her example or footsteps it can only lead to painful consequences. Not to mention that it will slow down your weight loss tremendously. The reason you put your body through surgery is to get a good response quickly, not work against it. Remember it is only a tool. Open RNY fobi pouch 7-21-99 #494, 8-24-99 #449 lost 49 lbs/
   — Samuel D.

August 25, 1999
I thought the Fobi pouch was like a VBG which excludes the "bypass" part of the surgery. If this is so, she can eat sweets and all that stuff, which is why I chose the RNY since I am addicted to sweets. I wondered about this myself when I watched her show and she was eating designer chocolates. Although this may be all the sweets she EVER eats, how do we know?
   — JAN C.

August 26, 1999
Hi, the fobi pouch is just like the proximal RNY but a little more drastic (smaller pouch). Don't know how she does it, but it doesn't do her any good to do that to herself. It's very bad example for other patients.
   — Diane D.

September 11, 1999
I guess we just have to remember that she is roseanne and everything she does is rude and crude. Anyone remember her version of Our National Anthem? Couldn't carry a tune if her life depended on it and end it all with a spit and crotch grab.
   — laurie H.

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