Anyone tried yoga post-op?

Anyone out there tried yoga, or am I just kidding myself thinking I might be able to stretch and contort in such a manner? We are getting a treadmil and I want to find something to use on alternate days. I thought about water aerobics, but there aren't any classes until later in the fall and the yoga starts in a couple of weeks. I also thought about weight lifting, but #1 - I really hate lifting and #2 I could really use the stress relief! Any thoughts welcome!    — Diane S. (posted on September 12, 2000)

September 12, 2000
As an avid practicer of yoga twice a week for two years I can tell you YES, yoga would be wonderful. If you take the right yoga class you will not need to go to the gym for weight lifting. I am full of muscle from yoga moves that use your own body weight to build muscle. It is the most relaxing and destressing exercise. My recommendation is to be sure the room is air conditiioned. There is a trend towards heating up the yoga rooms...that is not for us. We will perspire too much and our bodies will dehydrate. The class should also be a mix of constant movement of stretching, weight bearing and movement ending in relaxation techniques. I would sit in on a class to check it out before signing up for it. If you don't like it, check another instructor. There are so many forms of yoga now that it is confusing and some are very, very strenuous and some are hardly anything. You are looking for an Ashtanga class that incorporates a little Power Yoga. Good we say in my class...ShantiShanti... Peace Be with You
   — Marilyn S.

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