I have a tattoo on my lower outside calf, I'm wondering if this might change?

Do they just shrink or do they become deformed or what?    — [Anonymous] (posted on April 9, 2001)

April 8, 2001
Hi, I don't really know the answer to your question, but I am post op and have lost 70 pounds. I want to get a tattoo, but I don't know if I should wait until I lose my last 50 pounds. Let me know If you get the answer that you are looking for. I'm also looking for the same answer.
   — Angela E.

April 8, 2001
What a coincidence! I just spoke to my tattoo artist last night about a tattoo I have on my lower calf, I am 5 months post op and down 76lbs, I haven't noticed any changes to my tattoo. He said most likely there won't be any changes to it we actually discussed a new tattoo on my lower back and he says to weight till my skin has "settled" into place as I seem to be drooping... grin Good Luck
   — Wendy R.

April 8, 2001
I also have a tattoo on my outside calf, and when I got it, knowing my weight history, I asked him where the best place was for avoiding trouble. He recommended the outside calf for weight gain, loss, or wrinkling. Apparently, it won't change much, no matter our body changes. Good thing for us!
   — Amy K.

April 9, 2001
This is my experience - I got a tatoo when I was small. I wasn't happy with it anyway and was going to eventually have it taken off or covered with something else. Anyway, it was on my right pelvic bone. I've gained about 150 pounds since I got it and yes you guessed it - It's gone. Poof!! And its not under my flabby belly either I have looked and looked and had my man look. It's no where to be found. Now my question is- when I loose the weight will it come back?:)
   — K T.

April 9, 2001
My tattoo is around my right wrist (and let me tell you how bad THAT hurt!). Anyway, I'm curious myself if it will shrink or remain the same. Guess I'll find out eventually.
   — Dee P.

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