Post-ops of Open RNY how do you feel 5-10 years later

How does someone feel after 5-10 years. Is the weight still off. Is anyone having problems now or regrets?    — Hayley S. (posted on May 7, 2001)

May 7, 2001
Only 6.5 yrs for me. Lost 150, still weigh about 110# or so. Regrets. Hmm, that I was not transected the first time through in 1994, which enabled me to have a brand new surgery in 2000. And that I didn't know or grasp as much about post-op nutrition as I do today. And the usual, that I didn't do it 20 yrs sooner! Sheesh, I coulda had a LIFE long ago instead of spending so much time sickly.
   — vitalady

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