Problem bringing up my web site in my profile

I like to have my web site running so any pre ops (or post ops) can see my weight loss progess. (Hopefully it can be an encouragement to others). But I'm a month behind in my pictures and wanted to update. But I CAN NOT get on my own web site! (It is listed in my profile). I have Frontier DSL and no one in tech support could bring up anything with ether. But my friend who has RoadRunner CAN get Homestead. In any case, I hope this is alright to ask. Can anyone here bring up my "dansgastricbypass/dansjourney" web page that is listed in my profile? I'd really like to update my page and wonder if the problem is with my DSL or if others also cannot get it. I have emailed Homesteads support but it will be a few days before I hear from them, and maybe they can't help ether. I know this is not the type of question to ask on this forum, however I go to the expense and trouble of my web site as I like to help people. Now I'm the one who could use the help. ;) Thanks.    — Danmark (posted on December 2, 2001)

December 2, 2001
Dan I got to your website and tried to email you at [email protected] but aol told me it can not deliver your mail???????Email me and let me know what you need done. I will try to help you.....Phoebe in Brooklyn aka Phoebe

December 2, 2001
Dan, I could load your website, but I had to Stop and Reload twice for it to come up fully. I'm on Earthlink dial-up and using Netscape 4.7 (newer version of Netscape is too buggy for me). Hugs, Joy
   — [Deactivated Member]

December 2, 2001
Dan,<br>I have DSL and use Explorer 6.0. It came up for me without any problems, and took less than a minute to load. You've made great progress! Please feel free to email me if there's anything else I can do to help. [email protected]
   — Julia M.

December 2, 2001
Daniel, I just wanted to let you know that a lot of companies use "Excite" as their power system. You may not even know it! Internet providers use their name--not who powers them. Perhaps Frontier uses "Excite". I have Road Runner and I am not powered by excite. So, I'm having no problem accessing your site. But, the point is...Excite is either bankrupt--or uncommisioned. Last night on CNN, they said that people and internet providers are scrambling to find themselves a new power system. Go to and see what info you can find out. Good Luck to you and I can't wait to see your new pics.
   — Kristin R.

December 2, 2001
Thanks all. Seems like I'm the only one who can't get on "my own site". Strange, everyone is allowed but me. Kind of humorous in a way. Even my DSL provider could'nt bring it up! My friend who has RoadRunner can so I guess I'll have to update my pages at his house. And Linda, I paid $25 to use Homestead, so I'm not getting it free. So it's probally not that. And I'm allowed (I think) 25 MB and have used around 16 MB. So I'm around half way. I'd like to thank you all (and anyone else who may check later) for checking on this. I appreciate it. I know this is'nt the normal type of question to ask here. But I've been itching to get my new pictures on. Perhaps later this week I can get to my friends house and do it. I hope. Kristen, maybe you are right on the Excite. I don't know if Frontier uses them (does'nt seem as if they would) but perhaps. Thanks again to all of you! :)
   — Danmark

December 3, 2001
Homestead has finally let me on my site. My web site should be updated by late afternoon or early evening. Thanks all!
   — Danmark

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