Has anyone noticed oily film

I know this is gross, but I just need to ask. Quite often when I have a bowel movement the water in the stool appears to have an oily film over it? Has anyone else noticed this? Is this a result of losing fat from my body? Thanks    — jan M. (posted on August 26, 2002)

August 25, 2002
Very normal, I think it is from the malabsorption of fat.
   — Vicki L.

August 25, 2002
Yep, me too! Ewwwww
   — Cheri M.

August 25, 2002
Along with the 8 nutritonal elements, we also malabsorb fats & oils (to a degree), as well as commplex carbs (again, to a degree). So, yes, the oil slick is fairly common.
   — vitalady

August 25, 2002
I too, have noticed this. Thank you for posting a question that I was a little embarassed to ask. At least now I know this is normal!
   — Jenny S.

September 17, 2002
I'm so glad that you guys posted and answered this question because I also experiened this problem.
   — t P.

September 17, 2002
I've been noticing this too recently...And while it's kinda gross, I guess it's better to have the fat go there then on my thighs!
   — rebeccamayhew

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