Need a new web site for my WLS pictures

I closed down my Homestead WLS site due to their charging me three times what they did last year! (It went from $25 a year to $70!). Currently I have another site (this one free) that I'm not crazy about. I'm looking into "Dreamwater" however for a free site they charge $5! Now I don't mind the $5 but once any of these places get your "credit card number" they could be just like Homestead and charge you whatever they want a year later. Has anyone had Dreamwater and are they any good? Why do they charge $5 when they are "free"? I have many WLS pictures that I'd like to put up again. (Don't know if anyone liked my Homestead pages as I never got any feedback concerning them so perhaps it was a waste). It sure was alot of work, but I enjoyed it and hope it helped others. Thanks.    — Danmark (posted on September 20, 2002)

September 20, 2002
Hi Daniel, In my opinion, the best FREE web hosting service is Geocities. 15 megs of space, free stats, and a very small banner only. One way to help get more traffic to your site when it goes back up is to join a webring. Another way is to change it often and advertise the changes. Gives people a reason to continue to go there. Good luck.
   — thumpiez

September 20, 2002
I use . It is owned & run by a WLS pt, one done by YOUR doc, so then we keep these things right "in the family", so to speak. I find them extremely ethical and fast to fix a glitch when it happens. Not free, but cheap 'n working is a bargain, right?
   — vitalady

September 20, 2002
If you're wanting to build a webpage outside of AMOS, then GeoCities (which is part of the Yahoo corporation now) is a good choice but your pictures will ONLY show up there. I just got finished decorating my profile page here on AMOS and it took me a while to figure out that you can't store your images on Yahoo and hope to use them elsehwere (affectionately known as "image hosting"). But once you set up a Yahoo account, you can go into the "Briefcase" section of Yahoo and they give you LOTS of space for uploading pics (or other files). You can use this for image hosting or just setting up photo albums. It's free and easy to use. They even give you the option of whether you want to the photo albums to be "public" (anyone can see them), "friends only" (only people that you allow can see them) or "private" (in case you decide nobody should see them but you). This Yahoo option works best for me because I already have a Yahoo account since I subscribe to so many of the online WLS support groups through Yahoo! Good luck!
   — StephTG

September 21, 2002
Hi, if all you are wanting to do is post pictures with captions, is good and very easy. I believe the give you the first 30 pictures free, then after you use that you have to pay a small fee for more, a lot more. It's worth looking into. Also, MSN and Yahoo have picture posting available too.
   — Robin O.

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