I think Im freaking out

I go to see my 2nd surgeon on Monday.. I feel really weird eating.. feel like my stomach is refusing food.. Some of the time.. then feel like hyperventalting (spelling).. I can't think of much else and think maybe on freaking out. Keep thinking about all the negative things I read here people suffering,a few not making it.. Does anybody think maybe this is a red flag I shouldn't do this? Im terrified P.S. I know this won't help because the clip I saw said "Expose" WLS.. Phil Donahue Friday nite MSNBC 8pm EST. Can't wait to hear everyones input on this. Looks like Al Roker really started something for NBC    — Donna T. (posted on November 28, 2002)

November 28, 2002
Hey Donna...My surgery is in 4 days and I am really freaking out! I feel like an emotional roller coaster. I think what you are experiencing with your feelings and hyperventilating is called "anxiety." We have every right to be nervous and scared but at the same time, with every negative there seems to be a hundred positives. There is no doubt that with the decision to have surgery comes a huge responsibility. It is a life altering experience. I have read so many of other people's journals, postings, experiences, and comments and I don't think that I have found one person that didn't experience the same inhibitions that we are. I think everyone is afraid of being that 1 in 200 who could die or experience severe complications. I really do wish you luck with your decision but be assured that you are NOT alone in your fears and you are NOT the only one "freaking out." May the good Lord bless you and stand by your side while making your ultimate decision. I will let you know how my surgery goes and remember, Donna, you are NOT alone. Much love, prayers, and hugs to you.
   — Angela M.

November 28, 2002
Hey there! I got news for you two... it is'nt just WLS. I've had 14 surgeries in my life and I've felt pretty terrified for most of them. You'd be crazy not to be scared. Having said that, if you know you've done all you can to help yourselves, then WLS is all that is left. Try to relax as much as you can. Keep your attitude positive, walk for pre op exercise and trust the Lord for the rest. All we can do, is all we can do. It's never enough. The rest we have to leave with him. Things will drive you crazy if you let them.
   — Danmark

November 28, 2002
Hi Donna- I was like you a few months ago. I actually got sent home from the hospital. . without my surgery on May 13. I was resceduled for May 20. I cancelled at 1:00 am the morning of surgery. I was just too scared. I didn't feel at peace with my decision to reroute my insides. My friend who had this done in May of 2001 came to visit me a week after my 2nd chicken out episode. She is soooo happy and went from 291 to 140. I spent a week with her, watching her eat and out shop me because I couldn't keep up. When she went back to CA, I called my surgeon and made a new appointment. August 22, 2002 I went through with my open RNY surgery. I'm so incredibley happy that I did. I'm 3 months post op and 50 lbs. down. I can't tell how happy I am that I finally did it. I didn't have any problems and you know what. . .it wasn't nearly as painful as I thought. I feel so "normal" now. My insides feel like they always have. I just don't eat so much and I don't eat sugar or high fat foods. I've eaten every kind of meat, and pretty much anything else I want. It's just way less. Don't back out if it's only because of the surgery. It's so worth it!!!!!! A couple of weeks of discomfort for a lifetime of relief from the prison of fat your body's in now. If you want to email me, I'd love to talk to you. [email protected]
   — lerli1

November 29, 2002
My original RNY was Lap and was a nightmare & a disaster. Almost lost my life. If you read my profile you will see I am both a yr and 1/2 postop and 3 and 1/2 mths postop. But I will tell you this, I would do it all over again, but choose a different surgeon and have open instead of Lap. This surgery is like any other in that all surgeries can have serious complications including death. I was happy with my hysterectomy yrs ago and I'm even happier with my WLS. But do follow your heart. I felt completely at peace with my decision to have the surgery, but I can remember back now where I did question the original surgeon and I even remember a few times where I was not at peace with him. I ignored that uneasiness and I paid the price for it. Listen to your heart closely in case it is trying to tell you something. Do your homework and check out your surgeon thoroughly. Best wishes to you.
   — Karla K.

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