2 Years Post Op-Need advice on blood work up

I'm two years post op as of May 8th. I had more energy at 319 than in the 160's! I'm so tired all the time I almost wish I were dead. I think I can't get more fatigued and yet still do. I get B-12 shots once a WEEK (not a month). I am now anemic, and have just gone from one problem to another since WLS. It just doesn't end. Plus I may have an ulcer as at times my pouch hurts, then it radiated to my back and up my chest (like an extremely bad sprain) and it is hard to breath too. Anyway, back to the fatigue,.. I will be seeing my private doctor on Tuesday (and my surgeon on May 22nd). I would like ideas for a blood test on Tuesday. I'm sure things like potassium, B-12 and iron levels, but have no idea what else I should ask for. I think I am this doctor's first and only wls patient so it may help if I can give her some ideas on what to check for. Also, people keep commenting all the time "have you lost more weight?!". And I haven't lost anything in around the last 6 months (still 30 pounds from goal and in the high OVERWEIGHT BMI range). Perhaps my perceived weight loss is because I'm losing muscle or am more sick than I realize? (I have no physical strength anymore, not that I ever had to much anyway). Anyway, I'm about at the end of my rope. There is no joy in living when you are just so bleeping tired all the time. I do one simple thing and go lay down. What a existance.    — Danmark (posted on May 9, 2003)

May 9, 2003
Hello! I am sorry that you are feeling well. I will keep you in my prayers. I would also ask for a CBC (complete blood count), a TSH and T4 (thyroid panel to check you thyroid). I would also suggest a lipid panel to check on your cholesterol levels. Also, inquire about your blood pressure. Sometimes when the blood pressure is too low people are fatigued. Just explain your symptoms to your physician(s) and I am sure that the doctor will know what to do and what tests to order. Be very specific about how you have been feeling and about when the onset of your symptoms started. If possible, keep a log of activities and the times when you feel fatigued. I hope this has been some help to you. Good luck to you. Daphine (open RNY Jan. 13, 2003, down 52 pounds and down from 24 in pants to 16 and 24 in tops to size XL).
   — Daphine C.

May 9, 2003
We've been "talking" about this very thing over on the Yahoo Grad list. Many surgeons don't tell their male patients to take iron, they only thing menstruating women need it...NOT TRUE! With your bloodwork, be sure they check your Ferritin. I betcha anything your Ferritin has bit the dust! I'm guessing you're not taking iron, so get thee a prescription pronto for either Niferex 150 Forte, Chromagen Forte or Trinsicon. These iron supps will not hurt your tummy and have that intrisic factor that we are now missing. Good luck!
   — Leslie F.

May 9, 2003
Daniel, Sorry to hear you're not doing well. When you get your blood work results, look at your hematocrit. This is the percentage of red blood cells in your blood. It should be between 35 and 40%. I've noticed (had my RNY a year ago) that the more I do the more energy I have.
   — Janis D.

May 9, 2003
((Hugs)) I'm 39 pounds above my goal weight. I also get B12 shots weekly. They really helped me the first two months or so. Now I seem to be tired all the time as well and I get plenty of sleep. I hope your doctor can help you. I'm curious what he may find. I'm also due for my lab work. Good luck.
   — Jennifer A.

August 16, 2003
I'm kind of concerned that Daniel has put nothing on his profile since this date. Just want to mention iron infusions, which are done by IV and bring quick feeling-much-better results. I question the quality of medical care he is getting; his surgeon should send a list of needed tests to his PCP. That is what mine does and the list is extensive!
   — Chris T.

August 16, 2003
Have you considered that it may be chronic fatigue syndrome/guillian barre? Maybe researched these on-line and see if you can relate to the symptoms. I wish you luck in your quest for answers? Shelley
   — Shelley.

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