How to Handle Increased Appetite

At 15-1/2 months post op, I am 10 lbs from goal and beginning to experience a noticeably increased appetite. I still aim for 60g protein every day, with the 64 oz. water and work out 4x per week. How have others effectively addressed this? Thanks.    — Kimberly L. A. (posted on January 6, 2004)

January 7, 2004
Eat more often in smaller amounts. Instead of 3 meals a day go to 6 times a day but choose mostly protein (the more dense the better), and eat small amounts. The key is to take the edge off the hunger because the hungrier you are, the more the possibility of overeating or not making a good choice. Some others will say that when hungry scarf down a protein shake and reduce the happens to all of us. To those who are still fairly new post-ops and experiencing no hunger-enjoy it!!
   — Cindy R.

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