i have been told by some that the doctor i plan to use doesnt do pre op testing

is this okay i have been told he doesnt do test unless he feels you will be a high risk? i have done research and like everything i have found out about him this is the only thing that worries me has anyone else went in with no preop testing?????????????    — blank first name B. (posted on October 7, 2001)

October 7, 2001
Mica, have you actually asked the MD office? What about the hospital? Don't go by someone else's word. I am sure the hospital will require pre op testing, and that is where it is done. I have never had a patient that did not have pre op testing. That would really be foolish! Good Luck, Linda
   — Linda B.

October 7, 2001
Mica, my doc doesn't do a lot, either, unless there is something indicated. The hospital required a blood screening to make sure I wasn't way out of whack, and an EKG that showed the old ticker is still working well. Other than that, nothing. A large number of his patients are in my support group, and none of them had any problems with their surgery. Unless you're having gallbladder symptoms, he doesn't remove it or do an ultrasound, since 70% of WLS patients don't get GB problems. If you are pretty healthy, aside from the morbid obesity, then don't worry. If you have specific health problems that you feel he should monitor, then speak up. Otherwise, don't fret about it. It is just that much less you have to put yourself through. Good luck to you Mica !!!
   — Lisa D.

October 7, 2001
Mica, I was HOPING that my doctor would not require testing, however, now that I am in the process of getting ALL the tests he DOES require, it is not so bad. So far I've had an abdominal sonogram, venous doplar, 3-hour glucose tolerance test, gastro consult for endoscopy which needs to be performed, pulmonary consult who then ordered sleep test and cat-scan, endocrine consult, psych and cardio. In addition, I have to have pre-op testing at the hospital just before surgery. And I have NO co-morbidities. Taken from someone who doesn't like to go to doctors, it is actually not that bad.
   — Dianne K.

October 8, 2001
Don't worry. He is a professional. Unless you have SERIOUS health problems already that need accessing, it should be ok. They will draw blood for some testing at the hospital. That is all I had done except the psych eval. which was required by my insurance company.
   — Cindy H.

October 8, 2001
I would RUN LIKE THE WIND from a doc who does not test. How do they know how to keep you alive under anesthesia, deal with hidden lung or heart problems? Or prevent blood clots withour causing other problems? Although our tests are extensive & annoying, he has to know we are sick enough to need it, healthy enough to survive. No surprises, for him or for us. If he hadn't been so thorough, my sleep apnea would not have been dx and I'd probably not survived the wait til surgery, nor the immediate post-op period.
   — vitalady

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