Directly after surgery,how can you take vitamin supplements and pills?

I'm scheduled for surgery on the 14th.It suddenly occured to me yesterday that if I'm on a clear liquid diet that can only be taken in tiny sips, I dont know how I'll be able to swallow these vitamins.Do you have to get just liquid ones and sip them?That seems like enough to make you puke, surgery or no surgery.    — Stephanie H. (posted on January 7, 2002)

January 7, 2002
stephanie i was on clear liquids only til the day of my discharge. then i was put on purees for 6 weeks. i use bugs bunny sugar free chewables & chew then real good. they taste pretty good too. better than the flintstones i think. for pain i was using liquid tylenol but boy was that sweet!!! so now hubby breaks up a tylenol tablet for me into small pieces & i just swallow each little piece with water. good luck!
   — sheryl titone

January 7, 2002
You will more than likely be on chewables.( I was)
   — Deborah M.

January 7, 2002
I had a liquid mult-vitamin I got from GNC that I took for about a month post-op. There was no sipping involved, I just took a tablespoon of it and swallowed. For pills, I crushed them up and swallowed with water, which was really disgusting. :)
   — BlueGray

January 7, 2002
Hi!! I am post op (open rny) on Jan. 2nd (yep--less than a week ago, and I am on this site already). Today I took my first vitamin. Flinstones Chewable with Iron. Adult dosage is one and it went down smoothly. Questions about how I feel my surgery went or any way I can help, just Email me directly!! Best of my prayers are with you. Joanne Sheperd
   — Joanne S.

January 7, 2002
I am 2 months post-op, open RNY. I use the chewable Flintstone Complete Vitamins and Minerals. You get more of the minerals you need and a better amount of the B vitamins, which are essential for healing and help to keep your nails strong and your hair from falling out, among other good things. They taste okay and chew up very well. But, you can buy a pill cutter at any drug store and cut up pills as much as you want for easier swallowing. I started out quartering tylenol and now I just half them. You will be fine.
   — Susan M.

January 7, 2002
Hi! I thought the same thing, so I went looking for a liquid multi-vitamin and found one that is a great multi-vitamin and also has all the trace minerals we can't get yet, and amino acids that help you keep your hair!! (basically protiens broken down to their chemical level). It is good stuff and comes in plain so you can add it to anything or drink it straight, or in raspberry. Here are a couple of sites you can find it at: It is called Maximol Solutions. If you don't get anywhere on these addresses, here is an 800 number you can call and talk to Pattie Gentry - she is the one I bought mine from: 1-800-881-5568.
   — Sharon H.

January 7, 2002
My surgeon prescribed "STRONGSTART" chewable prenatal vitamins. They don't taste too bad. Also taking chewable Calcium Citrate from GNC
   — Diane E.

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