How much soup, yogurt or water are you new post-ops able to handle?

I am only a week out of surgery but and kind of freaking out about the amount of liquids I am able to hold. I can eat a whole 6 oz. can of soup, plus still have room for something else. I also ate a whole thing of yogurt the other day. Is this normal? I keep hearing that we should only be able to hold 1 oz. Why am I able to hold so much more?    — Shanna P. (posted on May 20, 2002)

May 20, 2002
Don't worry about the liquid it just flows out when you eat to much just like drinking the water does. When you start on solid food it won't take much to feel you up. I did the same thing was so worried but no need to.
   — Sharon L.

May 21, 2002
I've been worried about the same thing--I've just been convinced that my doctor did not perform the surgery properly because I've been able to eat a lot of soft foods and drink a lot of water. I had surgery on May 7, and I'm still in the soft-food stage. I haven't yet felt a feeling of "fullness" that everyone talks about. But I guess it's like the previous poster said: soft foods and water go through the pouch very quickly. Once we're on solid foods, we'll probably start feeling full.
   — Kristie B.

May 22, 2002
I am in my first week of full liquids and am allowed to eat sf yogurt. I was really concerned because I too was able to eat a 6 oz container of yogurt. At my 2wk post op appt. I asked the nutritionist and she said that I could eat up to 8 oz at this stage. Hope this helps;>
   — pat M.

May 22, 2002
I had my surgery,RNY, on May 3,2002 and can not drink or get more than 3oz of yogart. 4 oz of anything else, not even alot of water. I'm on soft foods now and get full quick. Could there be something wrong with my pouch?
   — Tomecka B.

May 25, 2002
thanks for posting all...i feel the same way. i don't eat a lot because i feel like i'll push myself over the edge and feel terrible. but, i do feel like i eat more than my head says i should!
   — Kim M.

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