I am 2 and a half months post op and I have lost 63 lbs and I feel

great. But I have only lost 8 lbs in the last 3 weeks, and I dont have a scale. I only weigh myself when I go see the nutritionist, which is every couple weeks. That way I am not constantly on the scale. But I have noticed that my weight loss has slowed down and I am beginning to get frustrated/discouraged. I was 368 the day of surgery, now I am 305. So I am patiently waiting to get out of the 300's. My ultimate goal is to get to 170. And my surgeon said I could loose 150-200lbs from my starting weight and I hope that is true. Is this something that I will go through? Where the weight will slow down for a bit, then pick back up again?? I hope so. I am so afraid I will never lose another pound again. I eat 1/4 cup of Special K for breakfast with skim milk and splenda, I eat beans, or chicken, or something soft with protein for lunch and dinner because I am still learning what I can and cant eat. I am walking every other day as well and getting in my fluids. Is there anything else I can do to make sure my weight loss continues, and is this normal what I am going through?? Any feedback will be greatly appreciated.    — Shavonne P. (posted on November 1, 2002)

November 1, 2002
As I'm sure you know from reading other posters, everyone hits plateaus occasionally. The best advice I've heard so far is to actually increase your intake in order to jumpstart your metabolism. If you decrease it, your body will head more toward starvation mode. Try snacking on a protein bar or some other healthy alternative midmorning. Good luck and God bless.
   — Jenni K.

November 1, 2002
You are doing fantastic. You have lost over a pound a day!!! What could be better??? Your body is just taking a breather. It happens to all of us. You cannot expect to keep at the same rate of loss until you reach your goal weight. We all wish we could, but it just isnt possible. If that were the case, we would all be skinny in NO time at all. Give your body some time, enjoy any loss you have, and just keep doing all the right things. It is frustrating sometimes...but you are not GAINING! Think of how depressed and upset you would be if you gained that much weight in just over two months! Relax...the weight is going to come off! **God Bless** (open RNY 7/23/02 -80 lbs)
   — Shawnie S.

November 1, 2002
Just to add to all the other great advice, I would personally switch the special K to a different meal. Starting your day out with a high carb breakfast sets you up to be hungrier all day than if you had a denser higher protein food for breakfast. Umm just a side note: I love oatmeal for breakfast - so I'm preaching at myself too :>)
   — [Deactivated Member]

November 1, 2002
As Ruth suggested, "stay away from the carbs for breakfast"! I find I'm hungry all day, and want to graze when those carbs pass my lips especially for breakfast. As far as the plauteo, well there is'nt anything we can do to avoid them! They are very frustrating. I guess it's like when we go for a walk... we walk so far and fast, then we are winded and stop for a breather. We get refreashed and move on. Our bodies have to take a rest, catch a breath and move on as well. I bet you, all of a sudden alot will drop at once! Then it will stop again and again over the months. Then drop fast in a short time again. Weird but it seems to be true. Just do what you know to be right for your body, try to "relax and go with the flow". "IF" you are doing what you are supposed to be doing, then there is nothing else you can do. You may as well relax... I think the relaxing and not worring helps kick in the weight loss. At least for me. Best of luck to you and enjoy the journey!
   — Danmark

November 1, 2002
As Ruth suggested, "stay away from the carbs for breakfast"! I find I'm hungry all day, and want to graze when those carbs pass my lips especially for breakfast. As far as the plauteo, well there is'nt anything we can do to avoid them! They are very frustrating. I guess it's like when we go for a walk... we walk so far and fast, then we are winded and stop for a breather. We get refreashed and move on. Our bodies have to take a rest, catch a breath and move on as well. I bet you, all of a sudden alot will drop at once! Then it will stop again and again over the months. Then drop fast in a short time again. Weird but it seems to be true. Just do what you know to be right for your body, try to "relax and go with the flow". "IF" you are doing what you are supposed to be doing, then there is nothing else you can do. You may as well relax... I think the relaxing and not worring helps kick in the weight loss. At least for me. Best of luck to you and enjoy the journey!
   — Danmark

November 1, 2002
I'm sure everyone has said it... it happens.. it slows down, but funnily enough, it does pick up. I started about the same at you.. 372 .. and I'm 280 as of this morning.. 4.5 months post op. Sometimes the scale just doesn't move... I'd suggest taking your measurement... I do that when the whole numbers thing get frustrating. Also, if you really think you might be eating too much, keep track at a place like, that helps me. I don't eat any carbs to speak of, except very occasionally I have 1/2 piece of whole wheat toast or some fruit... but I keep it to a minimum and don't have anything like cereal or other simple carbs.. that might help you too. Getting off a plateau... eat more protein, drink more water, and exercise more.... Good luck.
   — Lisa C.

November 2, 2002
Well my first thought is like everyone else get ride of the cereal. I would also do you body measurments sometimes you may not be loosing weight, but lossing inches. This always keeps me motivate. -95lbs, in 4 1/2 mths
   — paulsgirl

November 2, 2002
Hi! CONGRATULATIONS on your success so far! Just wanted to let you know that I had open rny on 8/14/02, I'm 5'9 1/2, started at 365 and have lost 63 pounds! We are in the same boat! I just ate some cereal and a third of a banana today though that meal is rather high in carbs and I felt "dumpy" afterward. I am eating whatever I want (I feel yucky after much of it) and I walk 1-2 miles every day. Keep up the good work and keep in touch!
   — Rebecca T.

November 2, 2002
i think you are doing great! i am very happy for you!!! hope i will be in your shoes in a couple of months, (actually tomorrow would be great!!! ;o)
   — janetc00

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