Al Roker on Dateline

Just wanted to know what you all thought about Al's story last night on Dateline. I had the surgery the same day as he did, so I could relate to almost everything he was saying. I thought I was the only one who was excited to buy new underwear! Guess not. So what did you think about it? Do you think he's been hanging out on this site? Al, are you out there?    — Robby E. (posted on November 13, 2002)

November 13, 2002
Goodness, there's lots of Al buzz going around the Q & A section today. I watched Dateline and was very happy for Al. It was interesting to get a "male perspective" on the whole body image thing when you're MO, because I think we tend to think men are okay with being the "jolly fat guys" as opposed to most of us women who can become severely depressed. So I liked that he "shared his pain" if you will. I also like how he describe his new relationship to food post WLS...I could related totally to not being ashamed to eat in front of others, being satisfied with "just a bite" etc. as he discussed. To me, this is one of the greatest benefits of WLS. While we all know it doesn't operate on our brains, to me in a way it did, because for the first time ever I am not ruled by food. The only thing I didn't like was when he said he wished Bill Cosby would be struck down after the debut of Fat Albert. Even though it was the mindset of a traumatized teenager, I felt bad that he knocked an American icon. All in all, I thought he did a lot to further the WLS "cause" as it were, not that that really needed to happen, because I have a very real fear that with all the celebrity endorsements, it may become an easy way out, as opposed to a last resort. I dunno. What did everyone else think?
   — rebeccamayhew

November 13, 2002

   — Rachel W.

November 13, 2002
I, too, sent him an E-mail today though I haven't received a response (not expecting one either!). I bet, though, that after his appearance on Dateline, his cover story in People this week and his appearance with his doctor this morning on Today show, he is going to be inudated with lots of E-mails for quite a while! His self-confidence just shined right thru, didn't it?! Way to go, Al.
   — Cindy R.

November 13, 2002
Rachel-I sent Al an e-mail last week and got the same reply - even with the typo as to the date of the Dateline (it was Tuesday, November <b>12</b>)...JR
   — John Rushton

November 13, 2002
Me too John and Rachel ... lol - he's a busy guy, you can't expect him to give a personal response to everyone.
   — Toni C.

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