Tummy Tuck and Legs at the same time???

My doctor told me he doesn't like to do the TT and legs at the same time because of the time spent under anesthesia. Is this what you experienced? I don't think I'll have enough leave at work to be out on 2 separate occasions for surgery next year. How many of you had it all done at once and how many wanted to, but the doctor refused??? Thanks!    — Robby E. (posted on December 3, 2002)

December 3, 2002
I wanted to do my breast reduction and TT at the same time, but my doc refused. But lots of people have it done at the same time and do fine. I guess it all depends on the doc and their preferences.
   — Vicki L.

December 3, 2002
Thank you for posting this - I am very interested in all of these topics even though I am still pre-op. I don't have an answer, but only wanted to throw out the idea of a "Belt lipectomy" - where they do the tummy tuck and a rear body lift at the same time. I don't know if that would help your situation - but I have read about this operation and know it is complex but done as one procedure. I would think that both of your procedures could be done together... I suppose it depends on the doctor. Good luck to you! How exciting!
   — w8free

December 3, 2002
Its really common for doctors to couple up surgeries when they can. A lot of people do the breast & tummy tuck together. I had my tummy done with lipo at the same time. My doctor offered to instead of doing the lipo to do the thigh lift instead along with the tummy tuck. That would have made it a lower body lift. As it was my tummy tuck was really a major one and done like the beltectomy with an incision that went all the way around which firms up the back, hips, some on the upper thighs. It was a long surgery. Over 6 hours long. Still that isn't really uncommon. I suggest you check with another surgeon who is more comfortable with longer/more involved surgeries. As a post op I imagine you're facing a lot of surgeries, set months apart if he's not willing to double them up. Plus you should be getting a price break with doubling them up. Long run it'll cost you a lot more if you stay with this doc. Trust me, I went to my doc for the tummy. Went ahead and did lipo with it. Now I know I'll return eventually for the breast lift, arm & thigh lifts, and probably anothe lipo touch up. I've already had two surgeries, the second was a touch up for the original tummy tuck surgery. Next will be coupled a breast & arm lift. That'll still leave the thigh lift which I'll probably couple some lipo with. So you see, even doubling them up, they add up quickly. And with doing them at least 6 months apart, you'll feel like you're healing up all the time. I can't imagine doing all that in separate little steps drug out forever.
   — Shelly S.

December 4, 2002
I think the reason that he doesn't want to combine those 2 surgeries is because when you have an abdominoplasty (TT) you cannot use the abdominal muscles to get yourself up. You have to use your leg muscles to rise. If you have your legs done at the same time, you will not be able to stand for awhile and it will delay your recovery.
   — gvlgal

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