Has anyone celebrated the 100 pound make with a tattoo?

   — funfunfun (posted on February 23, 2003)

February 23, 2003
Not yet, but I want to this summer. I figured both me and my daughter will go together to get a tattoo. I want one on my ankle, maybe a bird or cute bunny. My daughter want one on her shoulder.
   — Rebe W.

February 23, 2003
I haven't yet either, but I plan to. I have 3 tattoos already and got them when I was thin over 5 years ago. They are all hidden pretty much, hip, breast and foot (all of which surprisingly have maintained their shape despite substantial weight gain AND loss). But I always wanted one on my back, but always had a fat back, so didn't want to show it off! LOL Now I have lost almost 110lbs. with about 10 more to go till my goal, so i will probably celebrate with an angel on the small of my back. :)
   — Lezlie Y.

February 23, 2003
I am going to get one this summer. I live in Florida and am flying to california in august for a family wedding. My sister in law got one and is paying for mine at a gift for losing 100 lbs. I am at -88 now counting pre-op required by dr. So I should be down well over 100 by then. She got a dragon fly and I may also. She is 56 and I am 54. My grown sons will freak just like I did when they got theirs. I can't wait.
   — Tawnda C.

February 23, 2003
I plan on getting one when I hit goal at 135 lbs. I want something celtic on the small of my back. So I can show if off wearing low-rise jeans. Can't wait! ** kelly
   — Kelly T.

February 23, 2003
Yes, I am going to mark weightloss with another tatoo. Actually, I think of it more as a "next stage of my life tatoo" or "I'm where I want to be tatoo" I already have a flower on the inside of my left foot. A vine with flowers around my ankle which matches the flower on my right foot, and I have a monarch butterfly on my shoulder. I am thinking I should be ready by my 40th next year. I want a faerie on my left shoulder. I havn't found the one yet. I am still searching. 13 days post-op down about 27.
   — armonce G.

February 23, 2003
hi there! yes, i did, i got a small rose with my sons name going down the sie of it on my ankle, i love it! i want another small one somewhere but will wait for the 200lbs mark which isnt ganna be too long! :)
   — carrie M.

February 23, 2003
I plan to get a tattoo when I get to goal. I started out at 264 (BMI 41.3) and at 4 1/2 weeks am at 225 (BMI 35.2) I want to get down to 150 and when I do I will get another tattoo.
   — Marjorie F.

February 23, 2003
Funny you guys mention that, I'm still trying to talk my husband into allow me to get a tatoo..... I want one on the small of my back, or on my calve. I've already hit my 100 pound mark, for that I got a new wedding ring and unlimited tanning session, I'm hoping I can keep on urging my husband on the tatoo at goal. I was thinking, a geko on my calve or a butterfly or even a fairy on the small of my back..Some thing sexy.. I'm still trying to get him to give me the go ahead.. I'll keep trying... Post op 9 months down 125 pounds and about 20 pounds away from goal
   — tannedtigress

February 24, 2003
I did! I love it so much it is rather large across my lower back and of celtic origin(as am I). I have lost an additional 50 lbs to get to goal since then and it still looks the same.
   — Rachel M.

February 24, 2003
I have three tattoos and am pre-op, and I think my 4th will be at my century mark. What a great idea! :) Thanks! (PS: for those of you who haven't gotten any tattoos previously, you might consider getting your first on a part of your body that is less sensitive to pain than somewhere like your ankle. It is, of course, up to you - but my ankle tattoo was pretty painful. But then, so is the surgery, so I guess we can handle it, eh?) :)
   — Julie R.

February 24, 2003
Got one on the side of my foot before surgery, let's just say my foot was never fat- even before surgery. It HURT. Choose something fatty. Next time (oh, yes, they are addictive!) it will go on a fatty area!
   — Karen R.

February 25, 2003
I have not had surgery yet but when I do and I loose all this horrible weight (310lbs bmi 50) I am going to get a tatoo on the small of my back that says all american girl wrapped in a flag I have 6 right now so i think that will be it for me:)
   — harleigh2002

February 27, 2003
I told my husband that I will either get a fairy with wings or a butterfly spreading it's wings. Like I will be free from the fat. thought about it before surgery
   — Julie C.

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