
Ok, I'm over 1.5 years post op and I still have uncontrollable gas. It's not stinky, it's just loud and always there. This morning while walking through my office (it's small) I just ripped a loud one without any pre-warning! It's so embarrassing! Any advice on what I can do? I've been gassy since surgery and time has not taken care of it. Should I go on some kind of over the counter gas remedy? Thanks!    — Robby E. (posted on October 8, 2003)

October 8, 2003
I'm sorry about your problem... I have heard that using the chewable gas x helps a lot.
   — baybekmbrly

October 8, 2003
I am 6 mos post-op and still take Gas-X from time to time. Also take a really good look at your diet. Dairy can cause gas as well as tomatoes and many veggies. Soda beverages are also a big culprit of gas.
   — M B.

October 8, 2003
I was just wondering why it's like that myself!?! Mine are gross smelling and im so grossed out over it. One day in the store it came out (I had no clue) and the smell was aweful, so I blamed it on my kids LOL (people were around and my kids are little) and my husband just died laughing and said I need to get that checked out. Is that common too?
   — Sandy M.

October 8, 2003
Avoid dairy, broccoli, cauliflower, and sugar free candies....these things all make me very bad company!!!! When I avoid them, I have NO problems with gas.
   — Kelly B.

October 9, 2003
My bestfriend has not had surgery but has gas probs too. This wont get rid of it but it will give you silent relief. She wears thongs and g-strings...she is not thin but she says they "silence the elephants running under her chair" (her words not mine)
   — hooterzgirl75

October 9, 2003
No advice for you. I get really, really bad gas around my time of the month. And trying to hold it in just makes it worse. Carry a can of air freshner with you or put a glade stick-um under your desk and cough loudly when you feel one coming try and cover the sound! Just for giggles...I warned my husband that he may have some compettion in the fart-department after my surgery. He just laughed and said he would PAY me to let one go in front of him! LOL!
   — Renee B.

October 9, 2003
I have horrible gas, too... not stinky, but very loud (so loud I wake up hubby at night!!) I do not eat any dairy, but wonder if the protein shakes could be the culprit... I drink GNC Pro 95 soy...
   — ttilles

August 14, 2004
I'm not sure that I want to respond to this question, but at times and it seems to be specific to certain foods that I eat...I have bouts of some of the most malodorious gas ever created by anything living! Only others to experience anything like this would be those who have class one government security clearance/chemical warfare division! But a gastric bypass patient I've heard others with this same problem as read here and I want to share what I've done to address this embarrassing issue because it is working for me! I've had amazing relief from my icky smelling gas issue since I recently purchased a product I saw on the home page here on It's called INNERMINT and it's alieviated the smell of the gas that I've had intermittently. I still experience gas but the malodor has disappeared. I've tested it with eating some trigger foods for me, and there has been a huge difference! Innermint is inexpensive, it works naturally and I've also noticed other benefits of sweeter smelling breath which I think changed also since bariatric surgery. I think the website is so if the link is no longer on this site you can go directly to the products site. I tried this product with a "what the heck, it can't hurt" attitude and I'm glad that I did. ;) and so are those I spend time with. Try this I'm sure that it will work for you guys too.
   — lisalevy

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