wondering about people in the mi.area who had the micropouch surgery done

howlong did you have to wait for a surgery datewas sent? how was thw pain and food afterwazrds? how much wait did you lose and how soon.did you think the company was very helpful?    — kelly M. (posted on October 15, 2003)

October 15, 2003
I had the micro pouch surgery 4 months aago and have lost 52 lbs. The pain waas comparable to any other abdominal surgery, but the staff at Hutzel does a good job at pain management. I progressed week by week from liquids to full liquids to puree to regular. The most important thing to remember is to chew and eat slowly. I find their nutritional support post op to be excellent. I would recommend this procedure.
   — Carol G.

October 15, 2003
I had my surgery on June 26 this year, by Dr. Wood. He is great. I have lost a total now of 83 pounds in just under four months. He is a very good doctor, and has a high success rate! I had already went through the BTC in Yipsilanti and completed all my tests, insurance, etc...and when I called BTC back after finishing everything, (which took several months for all doctor's appts.) and BTC said..oops...sorry for you, but we no longer can use BCBS you will have to find someone else to do the surgery, or else self pay. I was devestated. So I got online and looked up the CORI Centers. They were great. I got to have my surgery less than a month later!!!! I never even had to call my insurance company at all as CORI did EVERYTHING FOR ME!!! And......I had ZERO out of pocket costs so far. My surgery and appointments were covered 100% by my insurance! I also hear that CORI is very flexible on the insurances.
   — TracyInTheZoo

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