Is there anybody out there who has a recipe for sf egg nog??

I am 11 months post-op and prior to surgery I used to love egg nog. Well it's that time of year and I'm finding myself craving the stuff. Is there anyone out there who has a recipe for sugar free egg nog?? I've lost 140 pounds by the way :)    — tat1997 (posted on November 5, 2003)

November 5, 2003
I bought sugar free egg nog flavored syrup from I add it to my vanilla protein shake and it tastes juts like sweet egg nog. You could also add equal or splenda to a standard old fashioned recipe of egg nog to make it sweet. Either way, egg nog is full of protein once you forgo the sugar! Congrats on your loss, and Happy Holidays -
   — M B.

November 5, 2003
I think there is a recipe for that on the Atkins website
   — tracy W.

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