how well does lap abnd wls work

I am getting ready to have a lap band wls. I weight over 350lbs. Can anyone give me an idea how much weight I can expect too lose and in what period of time?    — penelope R. (posted on December 30, 2003)

December 30, 2003
That is a tough question. I think anyone can get to goal if they are compliant and good about exercising. I weigh the same as you and when I first starting researching gastric bypass surgery the lapband was what I wanted. But when I read about the other surgeries I realized that the DS or even the RNY might be better as far the wieght that I want to get down to. The figures are out there you just have to keep researching.
   — davesband1

December 30, 2003
I was 372 pounds when I had the lap-band done in May. Now I'm about 302 pounds, so I've been averaging 10 pounds/month. The weight loss with the lap-band tends to be slower than with the bypass, but we lose weight for a longer period of time (2-3 years) so in the long run we bandsters can catch up to the weight loss of a RNY. There is a lap-band mailing list for those of us who have a BMI of 50 or more. When I was pre-op, I found it very encouraging to read there about people my size or bigger that had been successful with the band. You can sign up for the mailing list by going to
   — K M.

December 31, 2003
hey there... i had lap band surgery on september 24, 2003. So far I have lost 30 pounds (i started at 254). there are pros and cons to every surgery and the decision on which one is right for you is very personal. i can, however, provide some facts about lap band and why i choose it over rny. 1 - banding is a restriction only surgery. there is no malnutrician so you don't have to worry about taking a lot of suppliments every day for the rest of your life. i found this to be wonderful since i'm only 26 and i didn't want to end up with severe deficiencies when i was older. 2 - there is no "window of opportunity" as there is with rny. the weight loss with banding comes from the "fills" you get every few months or whenever you plateau. that makes banding patients able to lose weight until they get to their goal... even if it takes a few years. 3 - weightloss, on average, occurs at about 10 pounds a month. sometimes it's more, sometimes it's less. i view this as a pro because that way my skin has time to catch up with my body and most likely, i will not have to have extensive plastic surgery unlike i would if i lost 125 pounds in 6-8 months. 4 - there is no dumping with banding. i can pretty much eat whatever i want without any adverse side effects. potentially i could sabatoge the surgery and eat nothing but milkshakes 24-7. this surgery does take some discipline. it's a reward to me though, to lose 30 pounds in 3 months and still be able to eat a piece of chocolate, or get ice cream with my friends once in awhile and not feel deprived at all. any of these surgeries are only as successful as you want them to be. i didn't fully understand the saying "this is a tool, not a fix." they operate on your stomach, not your head. the results between banding and bypass are the same, one is less invasive and takes a little longer and requires a bit more discipline. i can live with this though and for me it's better. good luck with your decisions.
   — Jeanie O.

December 31, 2003
On a statistical standpoint, I believe you will find that lap banders loose less and loose slower than those who have other surgeries and there is a certain percentage of people who revise to DS/RNY after lap banding. How much weight will you loose? Who can answer that? Not even your surgeon, but he should be able to give you guidelines as to what his successful lap banders have lost. How long will you loose for? I understand that it is normally a 2 year window for lap banders. What does your surgeon say? On a more personal note, if you're getting ready to have this surgery and have decided on it, should you not already know the answers to this? Otherwise, how would you know this is the best surgery for you? I don't mean to be harsh- but- I think that's an honest remark. On another note- the answers to the post seem to have turned into the age old question...Which Surgery Is Best? No firm answer here from a neutral standpoint. I have seen people fail with RNY & DS and I have seen people fail with Lap Banding. You have to decide what your issues are and which surgery will best address your issues. It is much easier to 'out eat' the lap banding than the others. Contrary to the other poster's opinion- it takes much less than drinking milkshakes 24/7 to fail at lap banding. Because, all you have is restriction. Is that enough for you? Only you and your surgeon can decide that. You must get in serious touch with why and how you eat to make an honest decision. If you don't make an honest and open evaluation of your strengths and weaknesses (this is not an easy thing to do- so take it seriously!), you will be at high risk for failure, no matter what surgery you choose to have. Good luck to you, whatever you decide.

December 31, 2003
Lisa C... Apparently you did NOT choose to have the Lap Band and so you really should have refrained from answering this question as much of your info is MISinfo. First of all there is NO Lap Band WINDOW as there is with RNY. The statistics that you are MIXING UP is that it supposedly takes a Bandster 2 years to achieve the same amount of weight loss that a RNY pt achieves in 1 year BUT those statistics are changing as Lap Band is becoming more popular in the US an there are more US statistics emerging.Lap Band weight loss can continue for years due to the fact that it is ADJUSTABLE and when you feel that there is not enough restriction you simply get a fill to restore it UNLIKE RNY where when the window is closed it is pretty much cloed for good. As far as being able to eat around the band I sure would like to know how because so far I havent been able to do it but it is ALSO possible to eat around ALL of the surgeries.If it is so easy to out eat the band ask my familywould like to know why Im always huddled over the toilet after having a 2cc fill and eating a bite of a biscuit. It is true that Lap Band weight loss is usually slower but that is not always the case. I know someone who had RNY just a couple of weeks after I was banded and we are neck and neck with our weight loss. It has been 7 months and I expext to join the century club in early January I am 20 lbs away from that goal and will have 50 more to lose after that, I started out at 311. For all of us who are living daily with the band we would appreciate it if those of you without a clue would PLEASE stop with your misinformation.
   — Lisa F.

December 31, 2003
I personally had an RNY, but I feel it is the same regardless which surgery you had, it all depends on the person. Everyone is different and some people comply and some do not....I think if it is right for will do great and get to be exactly where you want to be! GOOD LUCK!! RNY 9/25/03 353/278/-75lbs
   — Saxbyd

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