Has anyone done a speech on WLS?

I only need a short informative speech (this time) and am trying to figure out which specific topic to use, etc. When I get to a longer argumentative speech I was thinking about arguing that insurers should pay for WLS instead of just for the health problems obesity causes, so anything you have to contribute on that front would help too!    — Kimberley E. (posted on January 22, 2004)

January 22, 2004
Who is your target audience? that should determine which area of WLS you focus on. If its pre-ops or those in the research phase, I have spoken to several groups but focus on my experiences and lessons learned.
   — Cindy R.

January 22, 2004
Sorry, I didn't specify--this is for a college class, nobody else (as far as I know) has had exposure to WLS, it's just an informative speech and they say talk about what you know...:)
   — Kimberley E.

January 22, 2004
The topic that seems to work best when I facilitate support group meetings for prospective patients is to explain how the surgery takes more of an emotional toll than a physical one on the patient. Good luck.
   — SteveColarossi

January 22, 2004
Kimberly, I am in college too and I can't wait until I have an assignment that I can utilize my knowledge and passion towards WLS to inform others about the subject. Good for you!! I think Steve gave a good example with the emotional toll that WLS takes on a post-op, you could start by the beginning of the process until hitting your goal or whereever you are in this journey. I think alot of people would be suprised to know how difficult this surgery is...we still have to pay attention to every peice of food we put into our mouths. Most people think that you have surgery and boom...your thin. With WLS becoming more and more popular I think that your audience will be very intrigued with your speech. Good luck!! Denise L 280/150/143
   — denisel

January 22, 2004
While I agree with Steve, since you are targeting an uninformed audience and have limited time to speak your point. I would address the myths associated with WLS. Try to change peoples negative viewpoints on the surgery. These people will no doubt, at some point in thier lives be confronted with this type of surgery. Either for themselves or someone they know. To give a possitive outlook on the surgery instead of how difficult it is emotionally would be better in my book. Then when you have to give the longer speech, use the emotional idea. Because It is the most overlooked aspect of this surgery. Rebecca 10/03/01 265/140
   — RebeccaP

January 22, 2004
I am a Toastmaster and have given several speeches about my jounrney. The first was when I was at 6 months entitled "How I spent my summer vacation" I gave a lot of facts about morbid obesity and the odds of being able to loose weight. I talked about the why (uncontrollable diabetes), my preparation (excersising daily to get ready) and the limitation of post op. I also gave another speech that was more on goal setting talking about my excersize routine and what I'm trying to accomplish. Good luck.
   — Sunny S.

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