Has anyone gotten insurance approval b/c of back pain

I am 7 1/2 months post-op from my 2nd RNY- I had to have a Revision. For the past several months I have been experiencing EXTREME lower and middle back pain, especially when I wake up. I know that it is not my mattress b/c I bought the best Sterns and Foster ($3500 King Size) 5 years ago and have not had this problem before. Has anyone else expeienced this? I have a call into the surgeon.    — Elaine S. (posted on May 17, 2004)

May 17, 2004
It's called your body shifting and adjusting to the missing weight. It could also be something more serious, so you definitely want to check it out, but most likely in time will improve. I ran into this when I lost 200 lbs about 9 years ago. It set off all kinds of muskuleskeletal (sp?) pains. I had some of it this time, but not as bad, but then again I already had treatment options in place and used them as needed including epidural steroid injections, physical therapy, anti-inflammatories (only when absolutely needed), steroid pills etc. By the time I was around 10 months it got some better, but then again my knees got horrible so maybe I just didn't notice the pain in the back any more. Since I have had my lower body lift the back has been as good as it will likely every be with the degree of degenerative disc disease I have. Having a tight gut and no hanging skin pulling my low back forward has definitely helped. <p>I realize you have a wonderful bed but it is entirely possible that after losing the weight it may not be the right mattress for you, no matter what you paid for it. I had bought a new top of the line Verlo mattress about a year before my WLS. Seemed nice and comfy at the time, but then the back got worse and I ended up sleeping in the recliner all the time. About 3-4 months after WLS I went back to sleeping in bed but I found it to be not that comfy. I had bones starting to appear with less padding and it was a problem. I also was experiencing all kinds of numbness in my thighs if I slept on my side etc, which was strange since I weighed quite a bit less. It all did eventually settle out but not before I had them come get my bed and put a new pillow topper on it. When I bought mine it was the best but that same model, 2 years newer, was way more softer. I paid them $200 to do it but it was well worth it. Now I can sleep in bed and be comfy and not have to worry about waking up with bone pain. You may find in time that you will need another cushion layer over your mattress. In the meantime if it's okay with your doc I would take some tylenol before going to bed as I have found it to help my body relax a lot more and sleep better when I am hurting. Good Luck!
   — zoedogcbr

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