Anyone familiar with the DDS system?

I was just reading a magazine and came across an add for a DDS System...this is the first time I heard about it. It is an oral device, custom made by a dentist that fits into your mouth during's supposed to be discreet but reduces the amt. of food you can eat, slows you down while you eat and makes you feel more satisfied with less food. It sounds like it's worth a look and see. I did check out the website ('m curious about the price (not mentioned on the website)....probably boockoo bucks...any info would be appreciated. Thanks! Kim open RNY 7/17/01 282/145ish/135ish    — KimBo36 (posted on September 22, 2004)

September 22, 2004
That would be fine for a while you would probably use it diligently. Butttttttt there are going to be times that you are going to say heck with it I want to eat and you will end up not using it all the time. What is going to happen when you have those nawing hunger pangs and you want to eat? You are going to continue to eat, but slowly because of the thing in your mouth. When you have your stomach reduced or have a band put around the stomach you are always aware that you have to follow the rules of eating, if you know what I mean. You can just not decide that one week you are going to completely blow it and eat, not wise to do for obvious reasons. I had an acupuncture ring for my ear back in the '80's and when I decided that I wanted to eat I "conviently" forgot to squeeze my ear to take away the hunger sensation. By the way the thing did not work, thinking back now I forgot to add that to my diet trys when I was pre-op. This is why the diet industry is getting fat in the pocket book at the obese person's expense. Run do not walk from this device, follow the rules of the pouch like you have probably been doing since your surgery. You look like from your stats that you have done great since your surgery in '01. Great job.
   — ChristineB

September 22, 2004
I agree...I think for awhile it would work. I don't see me wanting to run right to the bathroom and wash my mouth peice each time I eat. Anywho...I just thought it might be something that makes me remember (I sometimes forget I shouldn't over eat, until I'm done overeating)...I'm trying to be a "mindfull" eater...kinda like that Seed thing advertised in the obesityhelp mag. I really don't see a blinking light or whatever it is, slowing me down...I think I'd go oh yummmmmmy, brownies, and throw my napkin over the thing...hehe...
   — KimBo36

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