Is proximal RNY even worth it?

I hear over and over again about how distal is more likely to keep the weight off. One post mentioned she has seen some maintain a very reasonable goal wt with proximals. Like it's an oddity. I'm a pleasure eater, I'm a mindless muncher, I eat food when I'm not hungry. I have surgery scheduled next week for a proximal RNY. Am I wasting my time? I have complete intention of following the protein first, meals without drinks, vitamins, exercise rules...but I've always started my diets in the past with the greatest of convitions and the best of intentions. Any input from long term successful "loved to eat for the heck of it" post ops who have had proximal and did learn to make it work. Thanks.    — KimBo36 (posted on July 12, 2001)

July 12, 2001
I'm not a "long-term" post-op, but today is my 5 month anniversary from surgery. I had Lap RNY Proximal. I have lost 92 pounds and in 24 more pounds, my BMI will be "normal", although I'd like to lose another 30-35 pounds to my personal goal. I too <b>WAS</b> a pleasure eater. I didn't have to be hungry to eat. I went into this surgery knowing it was just a tool and I had to work it to the best of my ability. I have no regrets and am planning on reaching my goal for the rest of my life. It is a life-long committment, but I'd do it again in a heartbeat. Best wishes to you.
   — T.L. S.

July 12, 2001
My rny was 150cm. some call this proximal , my doctor calls it distal I call it a miracle. I have lost all my weight and have no intentions to ever gain any back. Concessions screwed me up in the first place, oh yea it's only 5 lbs , it's only ten lbs , it's just another size. I will watch myself like a hawk , nothing in this life is a sure thing. I was also a pleasure eater, I still am only now my pleasure is the way I look and feel. When I want to eat for the heck of it , I eat popcorn or sugarless cookies. I will not try sugar "just to test" the dumping thing , I don't know and I don't WANT to know. I had one dumping episode at about 3mo po , quite by accident ,I didn't read the label. Yes eat as you have been told and if you want extras to nosh have them. Just don't eat the high fat or sugar ones. I'm planning on eating a sugarless cookie for dessert , but right now I'm full (stuffed) from dinner, 1/4cup of potato salad (the good stuff) and 1/2 of a corned beef sandwich on light rye with pickle. couldn't eat the whole thing. I will have my cookie and before bed a protein drink with my vits. Don't get hung up on numbers. If you are given this great gift , and you accept it. Use the first year to learn how to eat correctly, let that stay with you always. you will be fine. I love my life , I love myself.
   — Rose A.

July 12, 2001
Technically I'm a proximal RNY.. I had Fobi pouch with silastic band bypassed 7 feet.. And yesssssssssssss it's all worth it... I'm actually below my goal weight snd all labs are perfect..Yes, Distal may make it a little easier on you to lose the weight but it's a trade off on malabsorption... You can make your goal weight being a proximal don't let anyone tell you differently.. It's all up to you and your determination. I know MANY people here on AMOS and in my local support group that are also proximal and are at goal weight and have been for several years now..
   — Victoria B.

July 12, 2001
This time your intentions and convictions will stay with you a lot better. After this surgery you seem to have a whole different mind set. I too ate the way you did, now just a little seems to satisfy me. Just going through this whole thing seems to change you.
   — Dennis J. B.

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