I have tri-care prime, can I get my psych eval. done threw my PCP.

I have my appt with the surgeon in January. I have Tri-Care Prime. If I make an appt with my PCP and let them know I am gong to see the surgeon and have to have a psych eval before I can have the surgery, does anyone know if my PCP will get that done for me threw the military or will I have to be sent out in town for that.    — JenniferE (posted on December 1, 2002)

December 1, 2002
I am not sure of the answer to the question. You will need to call you local tricare office. I know when I asked them they said that they did not require a psych eval unless the doctor did. You will need to check. I am in a different region than you are so... Good luck. I think I would wait until I saw the surgeon before going, he/she may require a certain person to do the eval.
   — Jan S.

December 1, 2002
I got a referel from my PCP to go to a cilvian physc doctor.. Tricare said I didnt need a referal and gave me a list of drs to use in my area... you might want to call to make sure but that is what happened with me
   — Catherine B

December 2, 2002
Jennifer, you dont need a referral from the PCP to see the pysch for an eval. Contact your tricare office, get the names of pyschologist docs in the network. They(psych doc) can fax in a pre authorization sheet to tricare, and a copy of the approval letter will be mailed to you and the doctor you had chosen. Best wishes!!
   — PhyllisM

December 2, 2002
Hi there! Upon reviewing the Tricare Policy for surgery when I did my appeals, I did not come across a psych eval requirement. This may have changed though because I did this a year ago. And, as the other poster stated, it may be your docs request. Either way, when you call your Regional Tricare office, ask them to send you a copy of the requirements out of the Tricare Policy manuel for your records (it's always good to have). If it is needed, psych is self referred with Tricare. Good Luck! Becky Morrison
   — ravikamor

December 2, 2002
i did not need a psyc eval but i did need a ref from my pcm to get the surgeons approval so i guess that u need to check with ur tricare prime
   — tacy T.

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