How do you feel about Ephedrine or Bee Pollen

I qiess this question is basically for post op people, seeing I'm post op 7 months, I'm looking for natural ways to increase my energy levels. Yes I'm making sure I get enough protein, water and take all my vitamins like clock work I've had my lab work done every 3 months and everything is comming back within normal ranges. How-ever since the beginning of the month my energy resources have dropped.I've tried caffine and just can't do the taste of it (coffee) so I went to my favorite little nutrition place and they suggested either low doasages of Ephedrine, (a natural root) found in things like twin labs muscle max and Ripped fuel, or trying Bee Pollen.. I was wondering have any of the post ops here tried eiter one of them for an energy booster. And if so how did it make you feel. I have yet to try it, thought I would ask my family here first.. Let me know Post op 7 months down 102 pounds    — tannedtigress (posted on December 20, 2002)

December 20, 2002
hiya. you said that you're taking vitamins but what about b-12 and iron? b-12 and iron increase your energy level. ephedrine is not good for anyone, pre or post op, it is a bronchial-dilator (think antihistimes)and can cause problems with your nervous system. there have been deaths linked to use of it. it is similar to amphetamines... there is a very informative site on ephedrine: another way to increase energy is by exercise...the more you exercise the more energy you have. good luck, kate open rny 6-14-01 pre op: 268lbs goal: 135lbs current: 126lbs
   — jkb

December 20, 2002
Hi Dawn. Just one thought: Your lab levels may be dropping even though they're coming back within the "normal" range. If you haven't already, I'd get copies of your lab reports from your doc and see if your levels are declining (though still normal). Sometimes docs just look at the test when it comes in and see that it's normal, but don't pull out the previous tests to see if it's declining. Just a thought -- better to nip any problems in the bud *before* they leave the normal range. I'm wondering about your B-12, like the previous poster. Otherwise, sorry, I don't know anything about bee pollen or ephedrine.
   — Suzy C.

December 20, 2002
Hey Dawn, I know Ephedrine is not good for you. It makes your heart race. I had a bad experience, and there have been many reports on how bad it is. My sister takes Bee Pollen and swears by it. She is not a WLS, but she started taking it during chemo for energy. It works for her. I don't think that one would hurt to try. Good luck.
   — Kristin L.

December 20, 2002
I have struggled with the smae thing- low energy levels despite following "the program" to a T. When I had my four month check up last month the doc suggested that I do my B12 injections every two weeks instead of on a monthly basis. She said that most people don't notice a difference, but that there are a select few that do. It really worked for me! I would try something like that instead of using a stimulant like Ephedra. There are numerous heart related incidences that have been linked to Ephedra. Best of luck in your process!
   — Heather N.

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