I'm seeing my Nutritionist tommorrow. What should I ask?

I've already been to a group meeting, and know how the doctor expects us to eat and exercise. She was pretty thorough with explaining pureed foods, supplements, and balancing meals. Still, I feel like there should be things to ask. Are there any questions that you wish you did/could ask a nutritionist?    — Beth S. (posted on January 6, 2003)

January 6, 2003
Beth, Is this the nutritionist your surgeon has referred you to? If so, they will know exactly how the surgeon wants you to proceed with food. If it is just a nutritionist, make sure that he understands your surgeons requirements. I have learned over the past few months that every surgeon and nutritionist is different and they have many different ways at looking at after care. I have seen patients on liquid diets for 2 weeks and some for 6 weeks. I have seen everything from "eat what you want as long as it does not make you sick after 6 weeks" to "No red meat or pork for 6 months". I would ask questions along the lines of...If they say soft veggies for the next month....What does not include or exclude? My mine told me Veggies I assumed that meant corn...then 2 months later corn showed up on my ok to have now list....What are their thoughts around, diet soda, Red Meat, Pork, Nuts, Fruits etc. If there is something you really love (pickles) ask when you can have them. I see my surgeons staff nutritionist at every checkup (before, 2 weeks, 6 weeks, 3 months, 4 months, 6 months, 9 months, 12 months, 15 and 18 months). I could not have made it without him !!! I had to learn how to eat, what to eat and WHY to eat. Good Luck and if you have any questions, please let me know.
   — Sharon H.

January 6, 2003
Some clarification: this is my Doctor's nutritionist. We see her at least 3 times, twice in a group and once alone. In her first presentation she told us that (1) we were to eat pureed or very mushy food the first 8 weeks and defined pureed and (2) we were to have 3 meals, balanced, and two protein shakes. She also talked about the different vitamins, and what to or not to take them with. She gave us a great notebook, asked us to plan schedules for food/vitamins/fluids/shakes and gave us examples. She also had us do meal planning, and suggested quite a few meals of her own.
   — Beth S.

January 6, 2003
I would also ask your nutritionist for a sample weekly meal plan for each stage of your diet.
   — Ellen M.

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