Doctor is saying switch to prenatal vitamin instead of multi vitamin

I just went to see my surgeon for my 10.5 month follow up visit. Everything is going well; my bloodwork is all above average and I am down 127 pounds. My surgeon says he wants his patients to switch to a pre-natal vitamin from the chewable multi vitamin because its "just better for me". <p> Well the pre-natal vitamins he suggests at GNC are HUGE capsules. There is no way I am going to get those down. I researched a chewable on the internet, but they all seem to be prescription. I found a tablet version that I would have to take 4 pills a day, but when I compare the ingredients to my chewables they are virtually the same. The prenatal has a little more iron, but my chewable multi vitamins other ingredients seem to a little higher.<p> What are other long-term post-ops taking? I just wanted some other opinions. I figure if my bloodwork is above average than why change a good thing.    — ckreh (posted on August 28, 2003)

August 28, 2003
my friend has been taking the prenatal chewables since her surgery. i just switched to taking them. all you have to do it get a prescription from your ob/gyn. it doesn't matter that your not pregnant. even your regular dr can write the script for them. they are big tablets, but they are chewable...
   — candymom64

August 28, 2003
I hadn't heard that, but if he is changing all his patients to them, he must have read or heard of a good reason - so if your Rx copay is low enough, it would be worth it to get the chewable prenatals. I may ask about that myself.
   — bethybb

August 28, 2003
I take a prescription pre-natal vitamin (pre-nate advanced). For a 3 month supply through my insurance, it costs me $30 or $10 a month. I also take a prescription iron pill (trinsicon) that costs the same as the vitamin. So I don't feel $20 a month is too much to pay and my blood results have been fine and I'm almost 2 years post-op.
   — Patty H.

August 28, 2003
My surgeon has me take prenatals - I get the ones from Wal Mart (Spring Valley) and take one twice a day. They are manageable but I have no problems swallowing pills. He started me on these when I graduated from children's chewables at 10 weeks post-op. Not only are they doable as far as swallowing is concerned, they are inexpensive.
   — Patty_Butler

August 28, 2003
Won't your insurance cover the prescription pre-natals? Most usually will, assuming you have drug coverage. My understanding is they are higher in iron and other things. I think my surgeon's feeling is if your labs look good and you feel good on the others then why switch. But to someone who the other vits are not doing it I'm sure he would go wtih the pre-natal.
   — zoedogcbr

August 28, 2003
Hi there. I am 7 months post op & I take Bariatric Lifestyles chewable vitamins. The are availale through --same people that distribute realmeals.
   — Cindy D

August 28, 2003
You can get over the counter prenatals (identical) at Sams or walmart, I got them for my daughter when she was prego and at something like $10 for 250 tablets. I may be a bad girl, but I just swallow all my vits whole. no prob so far. I take them with water and I think they melt fast.
   — **willow**

August 28, 2003
I've been taking pre-natals since two months post-op. I was given a prescription for them, I was told the prescription one are better. I was glad to change because the Flintstones would get stuck in my teeth. I find the combination if being on birth control and pre-natal vitamins humorous.
   — Sarahlicious

August 28, 2003
I've been taking pre-natals since two months post-op. I was given a prescription for them, I was told the prescription one are better. I was glad to change because the Flintstones would get stuck in my teeth. I find the combination if being on birth control and pre-natal vitamins humorous.
   — Sarahlicious

August 28, 2003
I've been taking One A Day for Women since 2 months out. They not a problem to swallow. Some of my friends break them in two and take half in the morning and half at night. In addition to my B-12 shot each month, I also take an extra B-complex each day. I can tell I have more energy when I take the extra B-Complex.
   — Yvonne G.

August 29, 2003
Crush the pills! With a pill crusher (Walgreens etc) or between two spoons, stir into applesauce, down the hatch!
   — Deborah M.

August 29, 2003
Neither my or my husband's drug plan would cover chewable prenatal vitamins. They cost approximately $1 per pill. I have been content with 2 Flinstones comp[letes a day. As a matter of fact, I buy the generics---they taste better. My sister in law, who recently gave birth, used over the counter prenatals. Oh, my bloodwork was more than fine with the Flintstones and other supplements suggested by my surgeon.
   — Fixnmyself

August 31, 2003
I am now 13months out and I too switched to prenatals on month 2 as directed by my surgeon. I was thrilled that he did it that way since I am not too fond of the taste of the Flintstone's chewables and I no longer had to pay for them myself, my insurance covers them. My surgeon prescribed Materna + iron for me and I have had no problems with them at all. Why pay for vitamins yourself when you have the option to have them paid by your insurance company. That is, if your insurance pays for them. I hope that helps. Good luck!
   — Laurel C.

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