Can somone offer me some words of encouragement?

My surgery is April 27 and I am so scare. I really just need some support and words of encouragement. My family and friends has been supporting me but at this point I think they might be tried of hearing me whined!    —  Renee W. (posted on March 29, 2004)

March 29, 2004
Hi Eugenia, Be prepared for the ride of your life. It is very normal to be feeling this way and after the surgery moments of doubt will creep in. Just stay strong and give yourself time to heal! May God bless you in your journey... Jill
   — Jill S.

March 29, 2004
You are about to give yourself the greatest gift anyone could ever give themsleves. The gift of life. It is scary...not just because of the pain and discomfort, (which you will forget in 6 months - trust me) but because of the fear of the unknown. You should be scared...and excited all at the same time. Your life is about to change in wonderful ways you never thought possible. You are doing this for yourself and no one else. YOU DESERVE IT!!!! Congratulations on this one giant miraculous step...Good luck to you!!!!!
   — Danielle M.

March 29, 2004
Everyone's experience is probably different, but I haven't regretted my surgery for ONE SECOND. I heard from everyone that you'll have moments where you'll say "What have I done?" and regret not being able to eat as you did before. Not me! I was so incredibly miserable being so overweight and immediately after the surgery I was so happy that I had a "tool" to help me control my eating. My surgeon, hospital and nurses were wonderful and I had very little pain afterwards. Make certain that this is what you want to do - then just think about the compliments and smaller clothes and better health you'll be enjoying! I wish you the best of luck for a speedy, unevenful surgery and recovery.
   — Carly H.

March 29, 2004
I know you are scared just remember we all have been in your place. But it is well worth it. I was even so scared I wanted to turn around and not show up. But if you asked me would I do it again I would say in a heart beat and I still have a ways to go. I am 6 months out and down eighty pounds. Life is good and you will do good also. Good Luck.
   — Rosemary L.

March 29, 2004
I had surgery April 4, 2003 and have lost 160 pounds. I had plastic surgery March 8, 2004. I feel great and you will also. I was scared before surgery but I was more scared to stay at 316 pounds. You will do great. It is one fantastic ride you are going on and the end results are so worth it. Good Luck. Brenda Cooper
   — cooperb

March 29, 2004
You wouldn't be normal if you weren't scared. We all were. Just remember, for the vast majority of us, WLS is successful and safe. You have chosen the best long-term solution available for morbid obesity. For myself, I have absolutely no regrets, and at this point (almost 7 months out), I feel it was the best thing I've ever done. Best wishes. You'll be in my prayers for an uneventful surgery and perfect recovery.
   — Carlita

March 29, 2004
Hi- What a wonderful gift you are giving yourself! As others have said- once the discomfort goes away, there won't be a doubt in your mind that you did the right thing. I had a VERY minor complication afterwards and would still do it all again in a heartbeat- problem and all! I feel so much better now, I guess I didn't realize how bad I felt before. I am only 3 1/2 months post-op so still very new to this and every day is wonderful. Listen to your doctors orders and the very best thing you can do for yourself is to start walking right away. When you have people say "Wow, I didn't even recognize you" and "Is that a new outfit?" or "You are just melting away" it puts a smile on your face bigger than anything! I almost chickened out the morning of my surgery. If you feel anxious they'll give you something, if not ask for it! Best of Luck and God Bless! Kathy
   — Kathy *.

March 29, 2004
Hi Eugenia: if it helps, I was also scared before the surgery. I finally decided that if God wanted to call me home that particular day, it wasn't going to matter where I was or what I was doing. The first few days after surgery were uncomfortable, but not painful. Speaking for myself only, the emotional adjustments have been much more difficult than the physical. I look in the mirror and don't see the 120 pound loss, I still see the old me. My husband is jealous for the first time, and we've been married 16 years, food has absolutely no interest for me at all. I would do it all over again in less than a heartbeat. Good luck, and you know we'll all be praying for you.
   — Chris S.

March 29, 2004
I am also scheduled for surgery in April.(the 6th). I am not scared because I know if I don't do this I will just continue down the crazy road of yoyo diets. I am sure you will be ok. God Bless. Angel Elliott
   — Angel E.

March 29, 2004
My surgery is the 28th, so I feel ya! I've begun volunteering on the website, sending out anniversary emails to people who are 1, 2 3, etc. years post op. While doing so, I read their profiles and see their ups and's only convinced me more that I'm making the right decision to do the surgery:) Good luck!
   — amy G.

March 29, 2004
Eugenia, it is normal to be apprehensive of any major surgery and this one is certainly a life style change. I was most nervous the day of surgery so remember to ask as soon as you get to the hospital for a sedative to calm you down. It can take hours of pre-op prep and lots of waiting before you are actually wheeled into surgery so the sedative did wonders to help calm me. I also had prepared a Before and After Wish list and brought it with me while I waited. Write down all the things you cannot do now before sugery and then all the things you want to be able to do after surgery. For example,before I could not cross my legs or fit comfortably in a theater seat, and after, I want to be able to do both. It helped reassure me as I waited.
   — Cindy R.

March 30, 2004
It is perfectly normal to be scared before surgery, especially one that is so life changing. Just be sure you have done your research, no what to expect afterwards and that this means life changes. If your are sure this is what you want then put things in God's hands and He will bring you through it. Blessings
   — Carolyn B.

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