Recent deaths related to this procedure?

Does anyone know if any of Dr. Fobi's patients have died in the past five years after having this procedure performed? If so, what were the details. email me at [email protected]    — marilyn J. (posted on July 5, 1999)

July 5, 1999
Marilyn, this is just a suggestion, but if you are considering this surgery for yourself, or even if one of your loved ones is considering the surgery, it would be far better to focus on the positive aspects. A couple of people died a short time ago and it drove a lot of us (who have our dates) nuts. The thing to consider is the risk of remaining obese. This risk of dying from obesity is far greater than the risk of dying from the surgery. If you really want to know the odds, surgery related deaths are about 1%, the same as for any major surgery. If, for some reason, you still NEED to know about deaths related to the Fobi pouch, Dr. Fobi has a website (, I think), and I believe the Center also has a toll free number. HTH
   — Peggy51

July 5, 1999
Oops, I'm sorry...the website for Dr. Fobi is
   — Peggy51

July 5, 1999
The best way to find out the answer to this question is to ask him personally! If he's worth anything he will be very frank. If he's had recent deaths, he can explain general circumstances that resulted and why you would likely not fall into the same complications. You can also check this out with the local Medical Board of Bariatric Surgeons.
   — Sherrie G.

February 11, 2000
My friend Maddy Goldman died from this surgery on Deceber 24 in New York. She developed peritonitis and died a week after her surgery. If anyone wants any more information you can E-Mail me.
   — Barbara S.

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