My date was changed fron Feb. 26, to 2 days from now -the 16th!

I'm a basketcase, my date has changed and I don't know where to start. I've not made any type of preparations for my upcomung surgery. I thought I had 2 weeks left! Now it's been changed to this Friday. My head hurts so bad from the stress, anxiety and EXCITEMENT of it all. Are there any preparations that I need to think about prior to Thursday. Do I pack a bag? WIll I feel like doing laundry next week or should I try to get it all done in the next three days? Also, I found that I have total amnesia about what my shopping list should look like? Clear liquids and no sugar is all I remember. I'm spazzing everyone, lol. Any suggestions? Oh, do they give you a 'little something' to take the edge off while waiting in the pre op room? Any suggestions would so greatly appreciated! Thanks, Adrienne 5'4" 248 for 10 years straight, hoping not to wear these size 20 jeans ever again, lol!    — corpdiva2006 (posted on February 14, 2001)

February 13, 2001
You will be fine! No, you won't feel like doing laundry, or much else for that matter. Have plenty of sugar free popsicles on hand, juice without added sugar and clear soups. I was not in the "holding" area for long before surgery, but I was given something to relax and the whole process went very quickly. I brought stuff with me to the hospital but never used anything other than simple toiletries. Best wishes and congratulations!
   — Katie F.

February 13, 2001
I know how you feel. My insurance denied me and then approved & I had two days to get ready. Do all the laundry, don't bother buying anything special for the hospital....I did and never used anything. The hospital had everything I needed down to the toothbrush. Buy some clear liquids, a protein supplement if your doc recommends one, decaf coffee or tea, clear soups, Swiss Miss hot cocoa with Splenda - no sugar added. I couldn't tolerate jello or pudding but you might want to try them for something different. Sugar free popsicles are great too. Don't buy too much of anything in case you really dislike some things & love others. You can always send someone out to get you more of what you need. As for the pre-op waiting area - I spent a VERY long time waiting and was given something to take the edge off. It definitely helped me calm down. Wish all the best for you!
   — Lisa B.

February 14, 2001
How exciting for you! You won't have the anxiety and frustration of waiting so long now *smile* I second (and third) everything that's been posted already. Don't take a lot of stuff to the hospital--you won't use or need it. Remember to pack something loose to wear home. Don't forget to have protein shake fixings at home---even if you can only sip a little bit---you'll want that protein. Of course your doctor has probably given you a bunch of post-op instructions already---follow his guidance. Most of all-----good luck! This is one of those truly exciting times of your life. It only gets better.
   — Lucky B.

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