What should I do next?

I made it to my much anticipated surgical consult and he weighed me only to tell me that I am only borderline "morbidly obese" (7lbs off). He suggested that I join weight watchers and see his dietician. I respect his opinion and considered it but I know that I want to go ahead with surgery. He didn't tell me no directly but he also never said yes. I need some suggestions please. Thanks in advance. PS I have cormorbids that I don't feel he considered and I am in Ontrio Canada so as long as he says yes I am covered by OHIP.    — Crystal D. (posted on October 24, 2001)

October 24, 2001
Well, the holidays are upon us! Eat (...a lot), drink (lots of sugery drinks) and be merry. Go back to see him in January....after you've gained 10 or 12 pounds and are cerfifiably "morbidly obese". Tell him that you've been trying to diet...but......
   — [Anonymous]

October 24, 2001
I am not sure how your guidelines work in Canada. I didn't reach 100 lbs. over to make me "morbid". I am still severe when it comes to obesity. According to the NIH, you have to have a BMI of 35 WITH co-morbidities to qualify for surgery. Having a lower BMI, my cor-morbs. made surgery possible. Hope this helps :)
   — Cinna G.

October 24, 2001
This may sound like cheating, but if he weighed you in your regular street clothes, and not the gown, then make another appoinment, and load up your pockets with change, I even know a woman that wore baggy sweats, and wore a thin ankle weight on each leg. I say cheat, if your surgeon is so anal to turn you down over 7 lbs, then you gotta do what you gotta do.
   — [Anonymous]

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