My pouch seems to have a

I always get sick. For example, if my husband and I are having a "discussion", I can never eat. I take a couple of bites and yuck....put it aside. If I am alone and happy, I can tolerate a lot more. Does the pouch respond to emotions?    — Marilyn C. (posted on November 28, 2001)

November 28, 2001
I dont know about a pouch doing that, but I know pre-op my emotions will do that to me too.. I could be really hungry and get into that "discussion" thing with my husband and then I don't want to even look at food.. So you're not alone..
   — Elizabeth D.

November 28, 2001
If you're not relaxed while you're eating, it makes it difficult.
   — [Anonymous]

November 28, 2001
Same here. I eat more in a calm unhurried atmosphere with lots of time. At work in a hurry I am better off to not even bother trying.
   — bob-haller

November 28, 2001
You 'n me, yep, yep, yep. If I am upset, that thing is slammed shut and that's all. If I insist, then I will be miserable. If you know you simply MUST nourish, sometimes a bit of hot decaf tea (or even hot water) will relax the pouch enough to open it so you can take sustenance. But MANY of us feel emotions in our tummies. I always have, which is why I suspect I was building my first ulcers by age 19.
   — vitalady

November 28, 2001
I am the same way. If I'm calm I can tolerate more food better. If I'm upset or rused, I can eat less and it doesn't sit well. I also can't do much activity for about 30 minutes after eating because I get sick feeling too.
   — Kristin R.

November 28, 2001
yep, the pouch feels emotions.. I cant eat at all if I am upset.. I will get sick to my stomach every time.. I am the queen of being sick though.. I hope you feel better soon. Sometimes, you just have to go somewhere and calm down and then try and eat a small amount.. Best of luck
   — Gina Landers

November 28, 2001
Oh my God YES! I thought it was just me! I got really mad at a guy's carelessness. (He hurt my back one day) and I was upset over that and ate only part of a sandwich which hit my stomach like a stone and man did I.... well you know. I have noticed other times that if I eat when I'm upset I also get sick. I don't understand it, but it's true.
   — Danmark

November 28, 2001
On my post op diet sheet , the nutritionalist stressed "eat only in a calm atmosphere , DO NOT eat when upset". It didn't take me long to figure this one out! I just never knew why my new stomach would react by tieing itself into knots!
   — Rose A.

November 28, 2001
ABSOLUTELY! My mother and I have both had the surgery and neither of us can eat when we're upset, stressed, nervous, etc. I had to tell my coworkers not to come into my cubicle during lunch because they would talk about stressful things and my lunch would turn into a lead ball in my pouch. In the first few months after surgery, that lead ball led to vomiting, but now I've learned to stop eating immediately and wait until I'm relaxed to try again.
   — PT LawMom

November 29, 2001
I don't know if that applies to just the pouch. I know that even before my rny, I couldn't eat much if I was in an emotional state.. be it happy and excited or sad and very upset. But, I certainly made up for it during the normal days of my life!'s been over three years for me....I find that I can physically hold much more on some days than others. It has nothing to to with my emotions. And I'm not talking about appetite and cravings....I mean the amount of food my pouch can hold. Occassionally, I splurge on pizza. Generally, I can only eat 1 slice. But, on occassion, I can actually eat two slices with no problem....three if I let myself, which I would never do. So who knows.....this is such a strange journey we are on............
   — [Anonymous]

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