Any tips for my psych evaluation?

I've got my psych evaluation scheduled. This is required by my surgeon. My big worry is that I *do* tend to binge eat or be an emotional eatter and I have heard that I can get denied for this. I understand how the pouch and dumping will affect me physically and I plan to seek therapy asap after surgery to help with the emotional aspects. However, I don't want to blow my chance at surgery by saying something about this. I know I'm depending on one man's opinion about my mental state to get approved here. I think that surgery is a tool and so is therapy, and I think I need both to overcome my problem. Please advise!! Thank you!!!    — [Anonymous] (posted on February 6, 2002)

February 6, 2002
Just be honest. You won't be saying anything the psychologist or psychiatrist hasn't heard before from your surgeon's other patients. We know that this surgery is not a miracle cure. We know our lifelong issues surrounding food won't automatically disappear. We need to keep working on that, and therapy before your surgery as well as after wouldn't be a bad idea. Good luck!
   — JoanneML

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