Can anyone tell me once your are post op does your hormones regulate?

I have a lot of facial hair and I just wanted to know once you are post op does your hormones regulate so the facial hair does not return. Facial hair runs in my family and my DR seems to think it is not a big problem.    — [Anonymous] (posted on March 2, 2002)

March 2, 2002
I don't remember where, but I'm reasonably sure I read on this site that the hair does not go away once you start getting it. I was hoping that it would, but guess I'll just have to live with it.
   — garw

March 2, 2002
Yes, Gar, you are correct. Once a hair grows, it is grown. It cannot ungrow. It can have it's growth slowed, it can even come in finer and thinner than before. But it will always be there. If you hate the facial hair as much as I do here are some suggestions: If you have light/med colored skin, and dark hair- you are a good candidate for laser treatment (I am fair/fair so I am NOT). If you want to try and remove the hair permanently- I would suggest looking into laser treatment (there are many kinds) and it is usually the easiest (although not cheapest) way to remove large patches of hair. Electrolysis is another alternative to permanent hair removal, that is good for smaller hair areas (eyebrows, stray chin hairs)...but it is time consuming. I usually wax or use a epilator- it is like plucking a large area all at once, then I dose myself day & night with Vaniqa. Vaniqa (a Dr. perscribed topical lotion) can be administered during your hair removal treatments (for instance between waxing, plucking, laser or electrolysis) and it will reduce regrowth by about 70% (while you use it, when you stop- it stops working)... The weight loss will affect any new growth of hair- but the hair that you currently have, you will keep. (unless you try and hide or remove it). Good luck- KR
   — Karen R.

March 2, 2002
I'm having laser treatments on my neck. I had shaved as a teen and then always had too. The hair comes in dark so that makes it a good for laser removal. The woman told me it doesn't work permanently on fair babyfine hair.She also mentioned it doesn't work well on darkskinned people because they absorb it too much and could get burned. It cost me $700 for the 3 treatments and is suppose to be permanent.
   — Candace F.

March 3, 2002
I agree with all the previous posters, but I have a positive to add! You may not lose the hair that is there, but as you lose weight and hormones straighten out, you won't grow more!! A tiny silver lining. ;) I am only down 33 pounds so far, but my periods have been normal for the first time ever (without drugs)- so my hormones are already getting back on track. I'm looking forward to not growing anymore unwanted hair too! I just waxed under my chin for the first time a couple weeks ago- MUCH better than plucking or anything else I've tried, it lasts a lot longer, and I can afford it. Good Luck with your journey!
   — Angela B.

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