Are revisions done done because people re-gained their weight?

I'm trying to figure out if revisions are done because people re-gain their weight, or they just not loose enough weight with their first surgery?    — [Deactivated Member] (posted on May 8, 2002)

May 8, 2002
I think there are different types of revisions. I had a revision from a non-transected pouch to a transected pouch because of a staple line disruption with the first surgery (rny). I didn't regain but I would have if I hadn't had the "repair" done. Now that I am transected, I am losing again and very contented because this is permanent now.
   — Marilyn C.

May 8, 2002
Some revisions are done because people have lost too much weight. Vitamin deficiency and other health problems due to severe malabsorption are also some reasons. Some people also have it done if they have not lost enough weight and a newer procedure comes alone, like the earlier stomach stapling now have RnY. or DS surgery. Hope this answers your question.
   — RobinLPN.

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