I am a little disappointed in surgery, is this normal?

I am 5 weeks and 2 days post-op and have only lost 23lb. I am a little scared that this surgery is not gonna work for me because my surgeon has even said that my weight loss is not excessive. I throw up almost everyday. The only thing I am able to keep down is protein shakes. I can only drink 1/2 can (4oz) of ensure high protein or boost. I am not eating fast. I eat all the foods I am suppose to but food is just not sitting well in my stomach. I went to Wendy and ate some chili, and that was the first time I was able to keep something down. I only was able to eat about 3 spoonfulls. I am scheduled to have my upper GI today but I thought I would have lost more weight since I am not keeping any food down. As a result of not keeping food down, I am not able to take my meds for blood pressure and my pressure has been up and down. I go to the gym 4 times a week and I swim at least 2 times out of the week. Why is this surgery not working for me? I feel like I am working even harder to try and lose weight. I was told that I am lightweight and lightweight people don't lose weight that quickly is this true? Please help me. Is the beginning stages always this hard?    — Lovett (posted on May 22, 2002)

May 22, 2002
You are defeating your self by drinking Ensure/Boost. They are FULL of sugar and will not aid in your weight loss. You have to watch what you take in and if it is loaded with carbs - then your body is not going to let go of the fat.
   — Cheryl H.

May 22, 2002
I just wanted to say that when you are not feeling well things tend to look a little gloomy. But cheer up, I am sure things will start to get better. You've done the right thing by getting a GI scheduled. I'd bet money that it will show your stoma is closed or very small which is why you can't eat much. This is not uncommon. It's easily fixed and usually works the first time and you'll be back to normal that night. As far as your weight loss. I checked my records and I'd lost 28 pounds in 4 weeks. So I'd say your right on track. You have got to give your body time to adjust to all that it's going through. Things are going on in there, they just may not be showing up on the scales yet. I know it's hard to cheer up when your not feeling good, but I promise you it will get better.
   — [Deactivated Member]

May 22, 2002
Hey Tina. I was also a slow losser in the beginning. I lost 15lbs the first month and then didn't loss a pound for a month. However, its been 7 months since my surgery and I am down 90lbs (10 of those were in the last 2 weeks). Just don't give up it will happen. Probably the best thing about the surgery was that when I got discouraged with my slow weight loss I couldn't quit. Hope your GI goes ok.
   — Janet R.

May 22, 2002
Stay away from any proyien source that contains sugar. You may be having some dumping effects from the Ensure that is causing the lousy feelings.
   — Dennis J. B.

May 22, 2002
Tina, I started out loosing slowly also. trust me it will happen. You know what kind of protien supplement is low in Carb. and low in sugar? try the atkins shake and it taste great.
   — Carolyn M.

May 22, 2002
I agree with the others about Ensure/Boost. You need a protien drink low in sugar and carbs. One I use is called Designer Whey Protien. Its pretty good. Also, since you aren't keeping food down, your body is in 'starvation mode' and is hanging on to everything. Switch protien drinks and up the amount of protien you take in. Also you didn't mention your water intake. Up that too. Its true that 'lightweights' tend to lose slower than others. It will happen and it is working! When was the last time you lost 23lbs in 5 weeks? And yes, the begining is hard! Your learning how to eat differently and your body is still recovering. Give it time!
   — Kris T.

May 22, 2002
Buy a couple cans of Atkins premixed protein drinks at GNC. No or very low sugar, no or very low carbs and full of protein and other vitamins that you need.. The choclate and vanilla taste like a mcdonalds milk shake. Each can is 11 ounces. Drink slowly so your body absorbs all the nutrients. Good luck.

May 22, 2002
I feel the same way as I'm 10 months out and only down 82lbs. All I can say is up your water and protein. Good luck to you terri
   — terri B.

May 22, 2002
I think your problem is that both ensure and boost are extremely high in sugar and are causing you to go into dumping syndrome. You need a protien suppliment that is low in sugar and carbs, like Atkins, Designer Protien or Carb solutions. If you are constantly dumping, which sounds like the case, this can slow down your weight loss too. Read the labels and stay away from sugar. Good luck.
   — Dell H.

May 22, 2002
If you want to get rid of the weight, you have to eat. Sound crazy? It's simple really. If your body isn't getting what it needs, it will go on starvation mode. That means it will slow your matabolism down to almost nothing. You are eating to live. Understand what I'm saying, you have to keep food down. I know that's easier said than done, but you need protien to live. If you don't give it to your body, your body will take it from musle. You see, you don't have a choice here. You must get that protien. Give it protien and it will burn fat. Give it nothing and it will burn musle. I wish the best of luck to you. Please, for your health, eat protien.
   — Sarah K.

May 22, 2002
I am 3 weeks out and have lost 28 lbs I think alot of the problem is that different surgery's have different results my advise is to walk walk walk and drink drink drink do not be so hard on yourself sounds like you aren't doing anything wrong except maybe the boost my dr suggested chewing on beef jerky alot that is a tasty source of protein good luck and don't give up
   — julie A.

May 22, 2002
I agree with the other posters. Ditch the Ensure and Boost and go for something more WLS friendly. I use a few different protein shakes, I alternate so I don't get too tired of any one shake. I like Atkins, Trader Joe's whey protein powder (chocolate), Designer and MetRX (I think that's the brand--the small containers are silver and not cans but packs). I also used Proteinex in the beginning just to ensure that I was getting in enough protein. I keep a chilly water bottle with me at all times and have developed a taste for Crystal Lite. I also eat ff turkey chili with ff/lactose free fake cheese melted on top with a bit of salsa and ff sour cream as a garnish. Make sure you read all the labels of all the foods you buy for yourself--you'd be surprised how much sugar is in a lot of ff foods. Although I love it, Yoplait ff yogurt has something like 31 g of sugar (explains the nausea). I am one month post-op today and have lost about 40 lbs. I try to walk each day for about 45 minutes and I NEVER skip a meal. I eat three food meals and 3 protein shake meals per day. Good luck!
   — jenn2002

May 22, 2002
Folks, I understand why you are all telling this poor woman to ditch the ensure and such but, please take into account that she is saying she eats NOTHING else. Protein drinks are important and necessary of course, but she needs other vitamins and minerals also. Maybe the doc put her on this for a reason. I think that he possibly could have found something better to put her on but, he possibly is afraid that she is not getting enough nutrition due to her lack of eating. I urge you all to NOT tell anyone to "ditch" something that her doctor told her to take but to tell her to talk to the doctor about the sugar in these things and ask him if there is something else he can give her. Do we have any idea of whether this doc is concerned with malnutrition in her? Do we know if she is malabsorbing her oral vitamins and this might be the reason he has her on this? I only ask because I suffer from malnutrition and have tried many things. There may be a more detailed reason that the doc has her on this and she needs to talk to him before going off of it. Just my opinion. Barb/BPD/DS 1999
   — Barbara H.

May 23, 2002
Hi I am 6 months post op and started out as a "lightweight" also at 250 lbs (BMI 42.3), I have now lost 125 lbs, so I think it really depends on the individual. I was feeling basicly just like you at about 5 weeks, like "WHY DID I DO THIS?",I threw up daily sometimes several times a day and I felt sick after everything I ate. I never drank the protein shakes or powders, used ensure or boost,and can't eat meats. (My levels are fine) In fact there is still little I can eat where I don't get that yucky feeling in my stomach, but it is NOTHING like it used to be, so it does get better just hang in there and remember water, water, water.
   — Lynda T.

May 23, 2002
I am also loosing very slowly. I lost 19 lbs in the first 2 weeks and have only lost 3-4 more pounds since then. I get sick alot, I try to eat protein first and I am not eating very much and seem to still crave carbs. I started out at 215 and I know my loss would not be a dramatic as someone heavier, but I thought it would be a little faster. I am not giving up, but I understand the discouragement too. Keep drinking your water and try to force yourself to eat and walk, eventually, your body (and mine) have to start giving up the pounds:) Good Luck!
   — Shari H.

May 27, 2002
Personal Opinion-Could it be that your body is in "starvation mode" holding on to everything you put in it...being the protein shakes. I have read that quite a few people weren't losing because they weren't eating enough. If you can only drink the shakes, I know some doctors reccommend adding powdered milk to double the protein, maybe this could help.
   — Tammy O.

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