How common is it for your incision to open?

The very top (about 1 inch long) of my incision has opened and is draining a blood tinged pus-like substance. Is this normal? I called my doctor and the nurse said to keep it clean and dry and put Neosporin on it. But it's draining so much, it doesn't stay dry. I just want to know if this is a common occurence or not.    — Mariann S. (posted on June 19, 2002)

June 19, 2002
That does not sound normal to me . That sounds like an infection . I would call and tell them u want to see the dr or call you pcp and make an appointment . I could be wrong but one of the things that the dr normally looks for is infection at the incission site --
   — sallie P.

June 19, 2002
I had the same thing and they called it a hematoma. It was gross, but I had to keep it clean with a Qtip and water and swab inside the opening. I bought sterile gauze pads and bandage tape to keep on the opening and changed every few hours. Lasted about a week if I remember right. My scar is a little darker on that one incision 10 months later.
   — Angela B.

June 19, 2002
I had what they called a seroma where it leaks basically all the time... I just posted a question about this last week, got a lot of answers. I had to go back into the Dr. he made the wound a little bigger and I have to pack it with gauze to get it to stop draining and heal I would suggest you see your Dr. (how deep is the hole?)
   — Cindy W.

June 19, 2002
It's pretty common to have that happen. I had about a 1/2 inch of my incision open up. I cleaned it with Betadine 3-4 times a day and just covered it with gauze, within a week it started closing. That part of my incision is a little darker and wider then the rest of the incision, but that's okay, my incision's only 3 inches!!
   — Rosario T.

June 19, 2002
My surgeon told me it happens in 25% of patients and that is is dead liquid fat that is happened to me and I just taped a maxi-pad on it to soak up the surgeon also gave me an antibiotic just in case it became infected...good luck!!!
   — hrussinko

June 19, 2002
well, i did what all of the posts say,,I took that antibiotic that starts with a c, and augmenten, and nowhave been on 4 weeks of levequin. My port site was infected, and it wasnt going to heal up,so my doctor had to remove my port,,which left me with a "hole" and I have to pack it each day with iodoform strips, and keep it covered. I ahve a new port waiting for me when this thing heals,,,,but yes,,get in,to the doc,,,mine drained from march 30th to last monday,,when i had my port removed,,,so it doesnt always heal with "neosporin" Gods blessings,,
   — amy T.

June 19, 2002
well, i did what all of the posts say,,I took that antibiotic that starts with a c, and augmenten, and nowhave been on 4 weeks of levequin. My port site was infected, and it wasnt going to heal up,so my doctor had to remove my port,,which left me with a "hole" and I have to pack it each day with iodoform strips, and keep it covered. I ahve a new port waiting for me when this thing heals,,,,but yes,,get in,to the doc,,,mine drained from march 30th to last monday,,when i had my port removed,,,so it doesnt always heal with "neosporin" Gods blessings,,
   — amy T.

June 20, 2002
Ok, it's me again. Thanks for all of the advice. It seems to be getting worse, so I've got an appointment with my primary doctor 1st thing in the morning. He's already called in an antibiotic for me to pick up this evening. I'm a little scared but I'm managing to keep from wigging out. Wish me luck.
   — Mariann S.

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