HOw do I educate my potential case worker?

The person from the WV Vocational Rehab center called, and he seemed very interested in helping me, but said he can't think of any "clauses" (so to speak) that he could approve the surgery through. He promised to run it by his supervisor and scour the "books" for something to help me, but I got the impression that he was about 50/50 on if they will be able to help me or not. He assured me they have plenty of funds available right now to help me, and was extremely kind and talked for over an hour, but he's not sure where to turn with this. From reading so many other posts on this board, it seems like people in Mississippi, Minnesota and other states are so simple to approve. Just be 100 pounds overweight, and they pay is what it seems like. Does anyone know anything I can tell my potential case worker to help him find what he needs. If not, does anyone have the telephone # or e-mail address of a caseworker that HAS gotten this surgery for a person that I could A) contact myself to find information about or B) pass on to my potential caseworker for him to find out information from? Thanks in advance...Joshua    — joshbowski (posted on July 19, 2002)

July 19, 2002
I am going through Voc Rehab in Texas. I had to answer questions from a form they have about being MO and how it will or already does hinder your job performance. For example, I was asked how long I could stand, sit, bend, etc without pain...does my weight affect my ability to be employed, or prevent me from obtaining employment in my field due to weight. My case will be considered "complete" and "successful" after I have WLS...still waiting for approval..., and become employed and stay employed for at least 1 year in the field I'm getting my degree in. I hope this helps!!! Laura
   — Laura J.

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