Medically suopervised diet documentation

My insurance is HealthNet. In order to get approved it must be deemed medically necessary. I understand going through the tests and psych eval's and things like that. But why do they need 6 months documentation of medically supervised diets. I know it's not HealthNet that makes the choices, it's the medical group, but when your medical group clears you, why do they ask for more documentation? I just don't understand that.    — Laydie K. (posted on July 28, 2002)

July 28, 2002
I think it is because this surgery costs 25,000 dollers. They want to make doubly sure you have exosited all efforts. which means after everything you tryed by yourself you went to a professional for help. Even that didn't work. so as long as that was documented you'll be fine. See for me I saw a professional couple of years ago and it didn't do much for me. then recently this past year since ive been trying to get my date ive been checking in with my doctor every month to the point where everyone in that office knows my name. Then i finished all the pre appointments and turned evrything in and heard the news. Once you hear the news it will set you free trust me. any big questions just email me [email protected]
   — sheri B.

July 29, 2002
Wow! Six months I had to do five years. Since I have been on a constant diet since I was 16 all I did was have all records sent from the last five years and it did the trick. Good luck to you
   — sadierussell

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